This, ladies and gentlemen,
is the quintessential definition of white privilege.
Somehow, police found it in their hearts, in spite of being punched in the face, put into headlocks, and even shot in a full-on battle royale parking lot melee, to use restraint that black folk across America could only dream of in a far-off fairytale land.
Arizona investigators have released dramatic video of a Walmart parking lot brawl that left a police officer wounded, one man dead, and reportedly involved members of a Christian family band.
Enoch Gaver, 21, was killed in the fight in the town of Cottonwood, and suspect David Gaver, 28, was shot in the stomach and taken into custody. Police Sergeant Jeremy Daniels was hit in the leg by a bullet fired during the melee.
The police dashcam video, released Friday, shows Cottonwood Police approaching the group of eight people -- all identified as members of the Gaver family -- around a large SUV in a Walmart parking lot on March 21.
More below the fold.
At a time
when an unarmed black man is shot eight times in the back by police in South Carolina or an officer in Oklahoma tells a black man who was unjustly shot,
"fuck your breath," as he struggles to survive, forgive me if the humor and absurd inequity of this moment is lost in translation.