I saw on PoliticusUSA that the Koch Brothers' problems with the IRS have a big reason behind them. They don't control it with their billions of dollars, and now they're about to be investigated for potentially abusing the tax-exempt status of the Charles G. Koch foundation. More on this story below.
As Rmuse put it in the article they published on PoliticusUSA, the Koch's troubles with the IRS could not be more clear and their reason for wanting it abolished is also obvious. Greenpeace, after doing some digging of its own, sent a letter to the IRS's office in Dallas, TX explaining that they uncovered evidence of an illegal $1.6 million tax write-off by the Charles G. Koch Foundation as part of the Koch's lobbying efforts in both the US Congress and the Kansas State Legislature in terms of establishing the non-relationship between Fossil Fuels and Climate Change. The payments were to Dr. Willie Soon for his testamonies to both law-making organs for laws to completely eliminate any enforcement authority of the US EPA and the Kansas-state version of the EPA to regulate Fossil Fuels and for eliminating any clean-energy/clean-tech investments. The reason for eliminating clean-tech/clean-energy is to remove any challenge to the supremacy of fossil fuels.
Anyway, the illegaility that Greenpeace uncovered was that the Koch's abuse of CGK Foundation's tax-exempt charity status to lobby specifically for these actions is a clear violation of IRS regulations, specifically ban tax-exempt charities from any political lobbying. Doesn't matter how they lean politically, any tax-exempt charity cannot engage in the political process. The reason is very obvious, it is a clear means of circumventing campaign finance laws and an excellent means of pouring in dark money as a way of bribing elected officials to do one's bidding. That's exactly what the Kochs have been doing with the Republcan Party. It's thanks to Greenpeace's due diligence that we now have a good idea of how much illegal maneuvering the Kochs have engaged in, and that we have proof of their severely corrupting malfeasance. It may seem that once the IRS finishes its investigation, the Justice Department may start one as well for the fact that both Charles and David Koch have been caught bribing or trying to bribe government officials going back to 1979.
Think of this as an added reason to get rid of Citizens United.