This will not be well received by some at all. I am standing up for we liberals who are stuck with Rick Scott and Republican legislators.
In all of the years I have been here I have never said that progressives and democrats deserve their sorry leadership. Not once. I have nothing but admiration for the people who knock on doors, make phone calls and GOTV yet when we either lose or have elections stolen, we are told we deserve it. Who the hell are you people to say we deserve to have our children and grandchildren do without insurance? Who are you in some states to think your Governors and legislators are any better? Please tell me and other pissed off liberal Floridians what makes you so special to judge us?
How dare you come on here in the name of being Kossacks and saying things like, " You deserve what you got" ...or how about F..k Florida and everyone in it? How about, You should do something? What do you want us to do? I mean the last time I heard, we have no recall laws, so what exactly do you propose? I mean legally we have done about everything to my knowledge !!!
Why do you believe we deserve to watch our kids suffer and die? Why do you think we deserve to go into certain areas because they are known as Sundown areas? Why do you think we deserve to have the #1 prison population? Why do you think our veterans in certain areas get treated pretty badly, even in a Federal facility run by local VISN 8 employees deserve that treatment? No that is not state run but since we are a joke , I guess you think they deserve waiting and hurting.
Do you really believe in Red states and Blue states? There are districts and some vote dem and others vote republican. The last time I looked we were the United States of America. We were not divided by the Mason Dixon or divided by some mythical color of red or blue. Florida voted Obama twice in the last two elections.
We have crazy people in charge with more money than several countries combined and beat us down mentally, physically, economically and we certainly do not deserve that. We do not deserve your elitist, holier than thou attitudes either.
Daily Kos is a great place to come to and for the most part the people are great but I get damn tired of defending a state that I chose to live while trying to make things better. This is the home of my husband. My homestate is Georgia and it is made fun of as well.
If you know how to rid us of this maniac and his minons then please, come on down and quit your judging.
I know activists who stand, talk back, have taken beatings, used their time to work to GOTV, volunteered, marched, called in media to try and change the crazy shooting ranges and gun laws. I know activists who stood with the Dream Defenders and Occupied. I know activists who have walked the pavement in the hot sweltering sun to GOTV. I am an activist.. I don't get paid to make trips to DC to point out the ills and wrongs in Florida. I don't get anything for trying to GOTV but gratification that I am doing my part. I put myself in budget dire straits to go head to head and bring some of the wrongs to the Federal legislators. I got paid nothing to whistleblow when appearing on CNBC about Florida veterans. I am an activist and it is damn dangerous in some of these parts to go head to head with folks with their heads twisted up their butts and call them out. We do these things though. Why? Because we are progressive Floridians. We know right from wrong. We care. Some of are stuck with crazy and cannot move. We do fight back and we fight hard !!!! Some of us have the guts to wait years to call out people like Kathryn Harris, but we do it. We do not deserve Rick Scott. We do not deserve what we are getting. Our children do not deserve what they are getting.
I will tell you what angers me as much as any crazy tea partier.... and that is the putdowns from some folks here who call themselves Kossacks. I had Florida Kossack activists get in touch with me today in tears and angry over the comments in an article a front pager wrote. Yes, this is a rant from someone who works as hard as any liberal who claims that we deserve the likes of Rick Scott just because they happen to live in a state they claim as progressive. Really? You have your crazies too. If you cannot help us, then just shut the fuck up about how we deserve what we get. We don't need the negativity. We need encouragement and a few Thanks anyway Florida. If you spent half of your time helping us GOTV as you did making fun of us, maybe we could reshape the political landscape a little faster. I have very tough skin but today, some of you got on my last nerve. When you call us out as deserving of cruelty, you are foolish and making Daily Kos look bad and IMO, saying these things could run off really good people because they get real tired of being called Stupid. The Marti really crawled some of you for doing this, I guess those who wish bad on all of us missed that diary and were out somewhere burning a Florida State Flag.