Take Back the Land by Rick Boyer
No doubt the Duggar debacle's saturation of media is causing Duggar burnout, but let's take a peek at
another delightful Duggar defense, this time by a fellow quiverfull mob boss.
Rick Boyer, author of Take Back the Land, a book endorsed of course by Pa Duggar himself, has deigned to 'splain to us mere mortals how accusations of hypocrisy against the Duggars is actually terrible horrible Christian persecution by godless pagans who are probably dirty commies that Hate America.
Boyer begs to know if you just expect the victims "to be turned over to a godless psychologist" because that's never gonna happen since he's "taking a stand here and now." Furthermore, he wants you to know that Josh Duggar has "lived an exemplary life for 12 years" even though he has no possible way of knowing if/when Josh may have sexually offended again, as sex offenders are wont to do.
Oh and in case you're still wrong-thinking with your godless heathen-brain, Boyer also wants to disabuse you of the fact that now-resigned Bill Gothard...former captain of the ATI home-schooling empire which still teaches girls that silence and submission to men is required to be worthy of God's love because that's what God personally told him...was and is innocent of the charges that he sexually harassed over 30 women. IN-NO-CENT, he says! I mean what office-working lady hasn't thrilled to the boss stroking their hair for a really, really, really long time and doing old-man fetish things to their feet whilst claiming it's God's will, amirite??
Coming from a Christian dominionist whose income is dependent on cherry-picking bible literalists, Boyer's defense of beyond-creepy and even sex-criming quiverfull men is not surprising. In fact the title of his book Take Back the Land may be the only honest statement in that entire book, for that is Christian dominonism's intent: To rule America as a Christian nationalist theocracy. Please let's be clear: Biblical dominionism it's NOT to control America "for God" as these men claim but to be the Boss of America for themselves, period.
Boyer's defense of Duggar and Gothard's sexual offenses against women and children is of course a textbook quiverfull power-play. Men are not to be questioned under any circumstances, especially by women and certainly not by victims who, if trained to be sufficiently "biblically" submissive to men, wouldn't dare question their abuser in the first place because that would be "immodest" now wouldn't it? But wait! There's more!
Challenging and demanding male accountability is not only immodest, many fundamentalist girls are taught that such rebellious thoughts and deeds are of a Jezebel spirit, thus risking their and their family's eternal salvation by God. But hey no pressure; just do as The Lord "puts it on your heart" knowing that you could be personally responsible for sending your entire family to hellfire for all eternity.
Boyer supports Gothard's claims of total precious godly innocence and Josh's ludicrous claims of never having molested again because Boyer might actually believe their acts weren't or shouldn't be considered criminal. Besides, when you preach that women and girls are allowed no boundaries regarding sex with the men who manage them, then of course no was no crime.
Boyer is no less toxic than his dominionist brethren to the physical, intellectual and emotional strength of women and girls. Such self-anointed power of these men over women in their cult is destructive to joy and hope beyond all measure.
Self-excusing the shaming, shunning and silencing of women by claiming it's "for God" serves only to better illustrate the psychopathy of the very men who swear...with a totally straight face as if it's true...that they control women not for themselves but only "for the Lord."