Welcome to the debut of Midnight Catitude the late-night version of The Pootie Diaries. We are Legion!
We are also......late. I had intended to launch this semi-irregular series a week or two ago. Sadly, that pesky thing called Life interfered with my plans.
I managed to outrun, dodge, and otherwise evade all that adult nonsense....and here we are!
So, cuddle up next to the interwebz machines and have a good time!
Welcome to Midnight Catitude/Open Thread For Night Howls The same rules apply here as in the daytime Pootie Diaries, but as a gentle reminder:
Bring us your minions....
This also applies to Bad Girls...just sayin'. (Yes, Baby, I know....)
THIS is your minion???
Sometimes, it nice to just hang out with friends and chill....
Sleepy kitteh...is sleepy
Hope you had fun, kids....we'll do it again....soon.