I knew there was a reason I liked this guy ... Why Bernie's words echo like a clarion call of times gone past, when fighting for the 'little guy', the 'average schmoe' was more than a slogan -- that it actually meant something:
Like a Job.
Like an Education.
Like a gut-level conviction that Government could actually work for us -- the thread-worn fabric of society.
Here are a few more of those "clarion calls" -- writ large on the parchment of our Congressional business:
Getting Big Money Out of Politics -- Bernie 2016
Key actions
• Introduced the Democracy Is for People amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision.
• Voted for the DISCLOSE Act to shine a light on the exorbitant amounts of dark money in our politics.
• Promised that any Sanders Administration Supreme Court nominee must commit to overturning the disastrous Citizens United decision.
Climate Change & Environment
Key Actions
• Introduced the gold standard for climate change legislation with Sen. Barbara Boxer to tax carbon and methane emissions.
• Led the opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline.
• Secured $3.2 billion in the economic stimulus package to fund grants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in a program that has funded upgrades for more than 86,000 buildings and installed more than 9,500 solar energy systems.
Income and Wealth Inequality
Meanwhile, as the rich become much richer, the level of income and wealth inequality has reached obscene and astronomical levels. In the United States, we have one of the most unequal wealth and income distributions of any major country on earth. Our inequality is worse now than at any other time in American history since the 1920s.
We live in the one of the wealthiest countries on earth, yet children go hungry, veterans sleep out on the streets and senior citizens cannot afford their prescription drugs. This is what a rigged economic system looks like.
Take Action
If it's too big to fail, it's too big to exist. That's the bottom line.
The greed, recklessness, and illegal behavior on Wall Street drove this country into the worst recession since the Great Depression. In the midst of all of this grotesque inequality sits a handful of financial institutions that are still so large, the failure of any one would cause catastrophic risk to millions of Americans and send the world economy into crisis.
I introduced legislation in Congress that would break up too big to fail banks. Can you sign on as a citizen co-sponsor of my bill to show your support?
• Sign on as a Citizen Co-Sponsor to Bernie's Bill to Break Up the Banks
Add your Name to the list ... of those who still think fighting for the 'little guy', the 'average schmoe'
-- is something damn-well worth fighting for.
Corporations are never gonna change, unless we -- average Americans -- step up and say: Enough is Enough!
Just like Bernie Sanders does everyday of his Political action-based life. Join his issues-based cause.
It is the fight so many of us been waiting for.
It is time for the 'little guy' to be heard.
Waiting another 8 years to be taken seriously, is not a viable option.