DK Quilt Guild: A place for quilters to gather, share ideas, projects, and to make the world a better place, one quilt at a time. Join us and share your thoughts, projects, questions, and tips. Quilters here are at many different levels of skill. Beginners and non-quilters are welcome, too!
Together with WAYWO and the Readers & Booklovers, this guild did something awesome last year. We arranged a big gift to the Detroit VA Hospital, delivered during Netroots Nation. Linkage has prepared a video about what we did:
More below the orange pincushion...
This year, we do not intend to go to Phoenix but instead would like to arrange a similar gift to the Portland, OR VA Hospital on Oct. 1. Here is why...
Portland is where Ann and I live and we have space to collect the quilts, hats, scarves, and teddy bears prior to delivery.
The beginning of October is a beautiful time in Portlandia -- and as Oct. 1 is a Thursday, should anyone want to visit our town for this and make a long weekend of it, it is more than doable.
It is still well before Christmas, the time most groups send gifts to the VA.
One other thing that we did not organize last year but which was impressed upon us by the Volunteer Coordinator last year. Gifts of comfort items such as these to the VA are tax deductible. If you donate and are interested in a receipt for taxes, please let me know when you send your gift to me and I will provide the VA Coordinator in Portland with your name and address so the receipt may be sent to you.
If you would like to provide quilts for this project:
* wheelchair quilts are 36" x 60" or thereaboouts
* lap robes are also good, say 45" x 60" -- although if you have a top hanging around that you would like to finish for this, we won't say no even if it is much bigger!
* polyester batting is probably best
* bright colors are great
* avoid references to religion in your work. The VA is protective of its veterans in this regard.
* label as you wish
These quilts might be used anywhere in the hospital.
We have four months and it would be lovely to have at least 40 quilts again. Please let me know in the comments if you would like to contribute!
Sara R - 2
winglion - 4
Pam from Calif - 2
rk2 - 1
BeadLady - 1
leu2500 - 1
maggiejean - 1
TX Scotia - 1
mdbmama - 1
elizaveta - 1
We NEED diarists! Your diary can be elaborate and full of photos, a simple story of your own quilting history or that of someone you love, a discussion of a current project or a technique you're learning, new adventures... You could post quilt retreat-day recipes (things like crockpot meals, so food appears without much attention from you)...
We could do show and tell or open thread, also, but either way, we need diarists to host. It is EASY if you're willing to take the chance.
Diary Schedule
06/07 -- winifred3
06/14 -- leu2500
06/21 -- OPEN
06/28 -- Sara R