We've had a good run. We've been together 21 years, 7 of them legally wed. But this is all about to crash and burn around our ears thanks to 66-year-old Sylvia Driskell of Auburn Nebraska. According to the
Omaha World-Herald this outstanding legal scholar has just filed an extraordinarily powerful lawsuit titled
Driskell v. Homosexuals with the district court in Omaha. She isn't merely suing her local homosexuals, she is suing
all homosexuals.
Driskell, calling herself an ambassador and acting as her own counsel will proxy for “God, And His, Son Jesus Christ" in the case. Even though she is suing in a district court, her arguments are so powerful you can fully expect attorneys will abandon all other strategies and adopt her unimpeachable reasoning all the way to the highest court in the land. By the end of the year, prepare yourselves for the Supreme Court to take up the matter.
Follow me below to behold her cogent arguments.
Here are the major highlights from her handwritten 7 page lawsuit.
• “The Homosexual’s say that its not a sin to be a homosexual; An they have the right to marry; to be parents, And God doesn’t care that their homosexuals; because He loves them.”
• “Your Honor; I’ve hear the boasting of the Defendant: the Homosexuals on the world news; from the Young, to the Old; to the rich An famous; and to the not so rich An famous; How they were tired of hiding in the closet, and how glad they are coming out of the closet.”
• “Ambassador: I Sylvia Ann Driskell; Contented that homosexuality is a sin, And that they the homosexuals know it is a sin to live a life of homosexuality. Why else would they have been hiding in a closet.”
• “Ambassador: I Sylvia Ann Driskell write, As well, we also know that if a child is raised in the home of liers, An deceivers, And thieves that it is reasonable to believe that child will grow up to be one of the three, are all three.”
•“Never before has Our great Nation the United States of America And our great State of Nebraska; been besiege by sin; The way to destroy any Nation, or State is to destroy its morals; Look what happen to Sodom and Gomorrah two city because of the same immoral behavior thats present in Our Nation, in Our States, and our Cities; God destroy them.”
• “If God could have found ten righteous people Among them he would have spared them.”
• “I’m sixty-six years old, An I never thought, that I would see the day in which our Great Nation or our Great State of Nebraska would become so compliant to the complicity of some peoples lewd behavior.”
• “Why are judges passing laws, so sinners can break religious, and moral laws. Will all the judges of this Nation, judge God to be a lier. For God has said, that all unrighteousness is sin, And that homosexuality is abomination.”
• “I, Sylvia Ann Driskell: I have written this Petition to the United State District Court of Omaha, Omaha, Nebraska, and to You, Your Honor. Because I feel its is imperative to do so. Life as a Nation, as States, and as cities need to start standing up for the moral principles on which our, Great Nation, our, Great States, and our, Great Cities were founded on.”
Brian and I will be liquidating our assets in preparation for a certain loss. We anticipate the restitution ordered to this woman will take us down to our very last penny. In the meantime, our fear is so great we have ceased and desisted being homosexual.