Some of you might have noticed the kitchen-sink approach of the GOP operatives and their friends in the press of late. They launch one faux scandal and attack after another at Hillary, Bill, Chelsea and their foundation in the hope that something – ANYthing – will stick and weigh down our best chance at beating their nominee in 2016. But we’re not going to let them get away with it – right?
Peter Daou’s been through all this before – he worked on John Kerry’s campaign in 2004 and knows the drill all too well. He posted a great reminder yesterday and I hope we listen to his warning and get busy. He starts by reminding us that the GOP attacked Kerry’s greatest strength – his service to our country and his integrity for speaking out against it when he came home. Then he notes parallels to what’s being done to Hillary today.
Make the jump – there’s more…
From Peter's article...
[T]he full-scale barrage hitting the Clinton Foundation is the result of a complicated interplay among conservative oppo shops, rightwing authors, GOP politicians and the mainstream media, with the latter acting, once again, as a legitimating force. I am not impugning the integrity or motives of reporters. What I am saying is that they are playing a central role in the anti-Clinton attacks.
The unacknowledged hallmark of true swiftboating is that we fail to recognize the damage before it is too late, primarily because of our natural human tendency toward denial. We simply cannot fathom that a foundational element of our self-worth is being dismantled before our eyes. Unlike previous Clinton faux-scandals, this is about the very core of Hillary’s positive impact in the world.
The Clinton Foundation and CGI have saved millions of lives. The Clinton family are rightfully proud of the immense good they’ve done in the world through their foundation. Despite mountains of digital ink, not a shred of wrongdoing has been demonstrated on the part of the Clintons or their staff. As it was with John Kerry, this is all about the so-called “appearance of impropriety.” It is a partisan political attack designed to hobble Hillary’s election prospects.
Thankfully, their efforts at tearing Hillary and her life’s work apart in the public arena seem to have backfired – for now.
The New York Times (remember them?) said that according to a recent poll, Hillary’s doing just fine thank you very much. In fact, despite the relentless barrage of attacks from the NY Times, Fox, CNN & the Washington Post (to name just a few), the number of Americans who see Hillary as a leader has risen by 8 percentage points.
Hillary Rodham Clinton appears to have initially weathered a barrage of news about her use of a private email account when she was secretary of state and the practices of her family’s foundation, an indication that she is starting her second presidential bid with an unusual durability among Democratic voters.
Americans now view Mrs. Clinton more favorably and more see her as a strong leader than they did earlier in the year, despite weeks of scrutiny about her ethics, a New York Times/CBS News poll has found. And nearly nine in 10 Democrats say the nation is ready to elect a woman president.
Great to hear and not surprised, however I would have changed the title of their article to something like
We Tried to Trash an Honest Public Servant for Political Gain and Failed – Miserably
The trash isn’t sticking yet – but we have to keep blocking these attempts to destroy our strongest candidate. As Madeye Moody (Harry Potter) used to say - Constant Vigilance!
In other words… Don’t let up and don’t buy into any of this BS. Keep fighting!
Lucky for us, Hillary for America has a new tool to help beat back the trash. Sign up now for The Briefing - videos from Hillary’s campaign press secretary, setting things straight.
Go on… do it now – I’ll wait. Then we can chat below in the comments.