Gen X? Millennial? Whatever.
This is great:
In its daily email blast, the Family Research Council (FRC) claimed Wednesday that there is “growing opposition” among middle-aged adults. “The gap is widening between Millennials and their Generation X counterparts,” the group claimed, such that “the children of Madonna and Ferris Bueller are noticeably more reluctant to redefine marriage than they used to be.” This conclusion is based on polling from the Pew Research Center, which found that in 2005, five percent more Millennials supported marriage equality than Generation Xers, but now, FRC explains, “the difference is 14 percent.”
Technically, these numbers are accurately reported. But they say the exact opposite of what FRC is claiming. In 2005, that five percent difference was 49-44, but in 2015, that 14 percent difference is 73-59.
I mean. Gen Xers go from 44 percent support to 59 percent support, and we're supposed to buy that this is good for the cause of bigotry, because Millennials went from 49 percent to 73 percent in the same time.
The Family Research Council, of course, was last heard from as Josh Duggar was resigning over his history of molestation. But this is a master class in desperation. It's like one Family Research Council staffer said "We're already on the wrong side of history and public opinion. What else can we get on the wrong side of? Facts! Numbers!" And then another replied "I bet if we try, we can really insult people's intelligence." In which case, well done.