On this past Friday night's edition of OAN's On Point With Tomi Lahren, the host made a very hateful, insensitive, and Islamophobic rant regarding President Obama, ISIS, and Islam in general in the wake of the tragic shooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee that killed 5 military men (4 Marines and 1 Navy), and conservatives are applauding Lahren for her speech. Josh Kurp at Uproxx:
A rant by the On Point with Tomi Lahren host, which is apparently a show on One America News, which is apparently a network, has gone viral, with the clip above gathering over one million views in a matter of days. It’s your typical, hateful “blah blah blah, Obama, blah blah blah, white racism” rigmarole, inspired by the recent shooting in Chattanooga, Tenn.
Travis Gettys at The Raw Story:
“Four United States Marines (and one sailor) are now dead,” Lahren said. “Climate change didn’t kill them, lack of a free community college didn’t kill them, the income gap, wage inequality — nope, not those things either. Gay marriage? Nope. White racism? Not that, either. So what did?” “President Obama, if you won’t say it, I will — radical Islam,” she added. “This is not workplace violence; this is not a criminal act with motives unknown — this is terrorism.” Lahren argued that most Muslims were terrorists or terrorist sympathizers. “I’m sorry, but radical Islam is becoming the rule, not the exception,” she said. “Yesterday’s moderate is today’s terrorist.”
This is by far the most jawdroppingly offensive thing she said in the rant.
“I’ve had it with this failed strategy, this halfway, half-baked, tiptoe, be friendly to jihadis mentality pushed by this administration,” Lahren complained. “Be a leader, someone. They, the radical Islamists, have brought the fight right here to the red, white and blue, and it’s about time we bring it to them — full force.”
Advocating for more disastrous war(s), Ma'am?!
“Let’s show them what the United States of America looks like up close and personal — show them what a B-1 Bomber looks like flying overhead — show them what they’re messing with,” Lahren said. “Put the fear of God in their desert, because clearly our lack of strategy isn’t working.”
The typical Neocon solution: bomb stuff up.
From the 07.17.2015 edition of One America News Network's On Point With Tomi Lahren:
Yesterday morning on Fox and Friends, Lahren told a much bigger TV audience the same fearmongering garbage spewed last week on One America News Network. Priscilla at NewsHounds:
Today, Kilmeade informed us that a "TV News host's epic rant" has had a million views (all the rage on right wing websites) in less than a week. (Lots more to come, thanks to Fox News!) The banner reinforced the popularity: "Final Word, TV Host's Rant Against President Goes Viral." He played video done by Tomi Lahren, the host of a show on an obscure, right wing cable network. During the video, Lahren ranted about how the Chattanooga shooting was the work of "radical Islam" and how President Obama is ignoring it because he loves Muslims more than Americans. Kilmeade didn't play the part where she, like Kilmeade, says that most Muslims are terrorists. American flags provided the backdrop to her screed. [...] Although the FBI states that there is no proven connection between Chattanooga shooter Mohammed Abdulazeez and Islamic radicalism, Kilmeade claimed that Abdulazeez's background, diaries, and rants "clearly point to Islamic extremism." After crediting Tomi for "saying it," he asked why others aren't. In advancing Lahren's and Fox's anti-Obama sentiment, the banner quoted from her rant: " 'Half-Way and Half-Baked, Anchor Slams President Obama's Policies." Lahren said that she watches Fox News and that when she heard about the shooting, "it made me mad as hell." Working in that requisite anti-Obama agitprop she asked "where is the leadership from the White House" and suggested that Obama isn't "standing in solidarity with our armed forces."
From the 07.21.2015 edition of FNC's Fox and Friends:
This may get One America News Network some more cable/satellite carriage request demands, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Fixed Noise or TheBlazeTV hire her as a contributor or host and get more speaking gigs in the Conservative Media Apparatus down the line.