I am fascinated by the degree of difference in outrage over these two individuals online and in the press. I am even more fascinated by the similarities in beliefs and behaviors of these two individuals. Both are decidedly conservative influenced. Both seem to be into the excitement of stalking and killing relatively innocent Big Game... Daleiden going after Planned Parenthood, and Dr Palmer going after Cecil the lion. Both have relied on unfair and deceptive means to achieve their ends... Daleiden stalked and baited unwitting Planned Parenthood members and affiliates into his "kill zone" then pounced with poisonous edited videos... Dr. Palmer stalked and baited Cecil the lion off of his protected reservation and into a similar kill zone, where he slaughtered him with an arrow.
So, I have established that there are similar motives, methods and results... the fascinating thing to me is the disparity in outrage. Cecil the lion is killed and torches and pitchforks all over the world are out and growing. Against all odds, there appears to be a possibility that Dr. Palmer may be extradited to face his crimes. On the other hand, David Daleiden has only wounded Planned Parenthood and is still allowed to stalk it and launch more poison arrow videos... before our very eyes... and with the assistance of seasoned, and corrupt GOP "trackers" in congress. The outrage is orders of magnitude less in the public, and, in fact, the hunter and trackers are receiving considerable sympathy.
"But Planned Parenthood kills innocent lives!!" is the impassioned response. So does Cecil... in fact, Planned Parenthood saves thousands of lives compared to each abortion performed... Cecil, by nature, doesn't even protect or provide for his own offspring very well, and relies upon their mothers for that...;)
Cecil is dead. Planned Parenthood is wounded. We can probably, with some effort and outrage, bring this illegal hunt in America to an end and have the poachers face justice.
Ask Republican Politicians on camera what they think about Cecil. Likely they are going to express a PC nuanced variation of the public outrage.... then, ask them where the outrage is over the stalking of Planned Parenthood.