Carly Fiorina has spent every day since the last GOP debate lying about seeing something she couldn't possibly have seen,
because video of it does not exist. Now she's switched things up and started lying about not saying something she most definitely did say, because video of it
does exist. Fortunately, the saintly folks at Right Wing Watch, who don't get nearly enough credit for wading through torrents of conservative vomit on a daily basis,
have her nailed:
Host: Here in Iowa, when you say Supreme Court decisions are the law of the land, that sets us off. Iowans got bludgeoned by decisions here, and we went through Civics 101, and we don't accept the proposition that court decisions are the law of the land.
Fiorina: Yeah, I actually—with all due respect, Jan—I think that is, ah, a quote from, ah, someone else, not from me. I know there are many Republican candidates, [John] Kasich among them, ah, who have said those exact words. But there's no doubt—there is no doubt—that we have a problem with our judiciary.
And for good measure, she repeated herself, insisting again, "I am not aware of having said that." Now, it's true that there's a metric assload of GOP candidates running for president, so you could forgive someone for mixing two of them up. It's a little harder to forgive someone, though, when she's
mixing herself up with herself:
I think the Supreme Court ruling will become the law of the land, and however much I may agree or disagree with it, ah, I wouldn't support an amendment to reverse it. Ah, and I very much hope that we will come to a place now in this nation where we can support their decision and at the same time support people's right to have—to hold religious views and protect their right to exercise those views.
In addition to the rather bald fact, of course, that Fiorina can't even tie her shoes in the morning without lying, you've got to love that a former Fortune 500 CEO is willing to agree with a wingnut radio host who insists that "Civics 101" says that Supreme Court rulings are not the "law of the land." Well, either love, or be absolutely terrified that this woman is being taken seriously by the press and is surging in the polls. For the moment, though, we'll just reset the clock on "Number of Minutes Since Carly Fiorina Just Made Shit Up" to zero.