Oh, for fuck's sake. You've got a vacancy on the Supreme Court thanks to Republican obstructionism, Democrats desperately trying to retake the Senate, and the prospect of Donald Trump getting to appoint the next justice, so what does Democratic Rep. David Scott do? He goes and endorses the Republican senator from his home state, Johnny Isakson. Said Scott, "I've always voted for Johnny Isakson. He's my friend. He's my partner. And I always look out for my partners." But how about his "partners" in the Democratic Party?
Isakson is a heavy favorite in November against self-funding businessman Jim Barksdale, but Georgia's is the rare blue-trending state that could unexpectedly find itself in play. And since a new poll from Abt SRBI shows Isakson up 48-42—the third survey released just this month that has him under 50—he's by no means a mortal lock.
So the last thing Barksdale needs is for people who purport to be his fellow Democrats to undermine his own candidacy in this way. And it's not just Scott: It turns out that former Gov. Roy Barnes and former Sen. Sam Nunn, two of the most prominent Democrats in the state, both donated to Isakson in recent months, and both, like Scott, made a point of calling the senator their "friend." How nice. They can console themselves with their friendship when Donald Trump names Judge Judy to the Supreme Court.