Ammon and Ryan Bundy left the comfort of the federal buildings they are occupying and headed out with equipment owned by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to destroy a fence separating federal land from private property. The Bundy brothers say they are opening the federal land for nearby ranchers to let their privately owned cattle graze.
The Bundy brothers had a convoy of media following them as they tore down an 80 ft section of fence. Anna King (@AnnaKingN3 on Twitter) from the Northwest News Network was tweeting the action:
Wanda Moore from KTVZ nabbed video of Ryan Bundy help his brother remove the fence:
Meanwhile, Ammon Bundy insisted they won’t leave until the Hammonds are out of prison. Taking over federal land, demanding prisoner releases, creating their own government structure. Wow! Is there anything these guys can’t do? No, seriously. What in the hell does it take for them to be arrested?
Stay tuned for the next segment of things white dudes with guns and cowboy hats can get away with and still not face arrest.