If you were lucky enough to miss tonight’s Republican Debate (sans Donald Trump which was a small blessing), here’s a brief recap of what each candidate had to say:
Ted Cruz: Happy people hate him, Obama is Satan, he did not say that about immigration and Marco Rubio is a liar.
Marco Rubio: Loves Jesus, Obama is probably a Muslim, ISIS, ISIS, ISIS, ISIS, ISIS, he did not say that about immigration and Ted Cruz is a liar.
Jeb Bush: Loves his mother. And his brother. Probably his dad. (And after getting one anti-Marco zinger in, he disappeared.)
Chris Christie: Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Clinton. Defund Planned Parenthood. Hillary Clinton. 9/11.
Ben Carson: Russia is a one horse country energy (really). Sleepiness.
Rand Paul: Doesn’t blame Hillary for Bill.
John Kasich: Who knows?
That about covers it.