Hmm, is Herr Drumpf turning his birther ire on Calgary Cruz? About freaking time!
I knew that Dems would never get any traction on this issue, but because Trump is saying it, it will have to be covered on Fakes News, hateradio and elsewhere in the MSM.
We can only dream that Trump and the birthers who love him would get all hyped up about Cruz’s eligibility to run for President, since without a doubt he was born on foreign soil.
Barack Obama’s mother was an American citizen but that was not enough to stop them from questioning his status as a natural born citizen. Where are the lawsuits? Where is the birth certificate??? Where are the Regnery Press book deals?
Trump said in a Washington Post interview that Cruz’s Canadian birthplace was a “very precarious” issue:
“Republicans are going to have to ask themselves the question: ‘Do we want a candidate who could be tied up in court for two years?’ That’d be a big problem,” Trump said when asked about the topic. “It’d be a very precarious one for Republicans because he’d be running and the courts may take a long time to make a decision. You don’t want to be running and have that kind of thing over your head.”
Trump added: “I’d hate to see something like that get in his way. But a lot of people are talking about it and I know that even some states are looking at it very strongly, the fact that he was born in Canada and he has had a double passport.”
Some Rcon strategist was on CNN calling it “ugly racism” to question Cruz’s citizenship! Then he had the nerve to complain that Trump was criticizing Cruz’s religion. (Trump recently told an Iowa group “not too many evangelicals come out of Cuba.”) Criticizing a candidate’s religion is a bad thing now? How the worm has turned! Where is bubbanomics when you need him?
Then the Trump spokesman reminded everyone that there were citizenship questions raised about George Romney and John McCain! And me completely out of popcorn!
IANAL, but the question of what constitutes “natural born citizen” has always been vague, and Cruz does not dispute that he was physically born in another country.
O please o please o please o please o please let someone bring a lawsuit about this!