Ted Cruz is a natural born citizen even though he was born in Canada. Most respectable scholars have said as much.
While it is silly that we are spending time on this issue, we must. Just maybe if all of these guys realize not only that they are living in glass houses, not only that their policies are flawed, and that they will be called out and confronted for their lies, hopefully they will cleanup their behavior.
Notice how quickly Cruz attempts to change the conversation. President Obama was not afforded that option.
Ted Cruz responded to the reporter’s questions with regards to his citizenship as follows.
“Look as a legal matter, the question is quite straightforward in settled law that the child of a U.S. citizen born abroad is a natural born citizen,” Ted Cruz said. “People will continue to make political noise about it. But as a legal matter it is quite straightforward. I would note that it has occurred many times in history. John McCain was born in Panama but he was a natural born citizen because his parents were U.S. citizens. George Romney, Mitt’s dad, was born in Mexico when his parents were Mormon missionaries. But he was a natural born citizen because his parents were citizens. And actually Barry Goldwater was born in Arizona before Arizona was a state. And yet he was a natural born citizen because his parents were citizens. As a legal matter the question is quite straightforward.”