The release of salacious audio tapes to the public this past Friday, in which Donald Trump regales Billy Bush with tales of how he has repeatedly objectified and sexually assaulted women over the years, has caused frantic and disillusioned republican members of congress to disavow their support for the disgraced republican nominee. Some of the republicans who have withdrawn their support for this licentious and unprincipled abuser have spoken to their responsibilities as parents of children. Jason Chaffetz, a republican member of the House of Representatives from Utah, and Kelly Ayotte, a republican member of the United States Senate from New Hampshire have expressed their displeasure of Trump through the parental lens.
Republicans say they want a man of good moral fiber to occupy a position of high power. They want someone who they can point their children to as exemplar of character and probity. Kelly Ayotte has stated that she will write in Mike Pence as her candidate for President. I’m very sorry that I have to inform you of this Kelly, but Mike Pence has been proven to be a serial liar, a homophobe, and disrespectful towards women. He cannot be the role model that you want for your children. The truth is that distraught republicans don’t have to look very far for the role model that they are seeking . The man who they have been actively trying to destroy for the last eight years can certainly fill the role. His name is Barack Hussein Obama.
Republican members of congress who have tried and failed to derail the Obama presidency, please take note. Barack Obama has been married to the same woman for 24 years; and as far as I know he has never been accused of cheating on Michelle with other women. They have reared two beautiful and successful daughters, both of whom seem to be well adjusted, educated, confident and poised. In addition to being a successful president and father, Obama is an accomplished author, community organizer, lawyer, professor, and former United States senator. He is also the first black president of the United States of America, making him a historic figure, one of the most redoubtable in this country’s history.
Republicans. Obama faced an unprecedented amount of hate and obstruction from you all during his eight years as president. Some of the obstruction can be attributed to disagreements on policy, but a significant amount of the obstruction can also be attributed to personal animus. Many of you republicans openly shunned Obama, refusing to work with him because of the biases that you held against him. Obama was a black man, whom many of you republicans had hoped would fail miserably. You had hoped that your recalcitrance and intransigence would help to precipitate this failure that you were hoping would come to pass. But Obama was still able to move the country forward despite the roadblocks that had been placed in front of him. And despite your hate, he still looked for ways to involve you in his plans to repair what had once been a broken country. And some of you thought that he wasn’t a Christian?
As the time for his abdication of the office of president approaches, America finds itself in a much better place than it was eight years ago. The economy has been raised from the dead, climate change legislation has gone into effect, gay people can marry, Iran has been disarmed, and Osama Bin Laden is no more. Obama’s approval rating currently stands at 55% and will continue to rise as more people come to realize all that he has done for this country.
Obama is loved and respected by millions around the world, held in high regard by world leaders, and most importantly, still loved and respected by his wife and children. He is still a practitioner of his Christian faith, and he remains a diligent worker and advocate for the American people. Unlike Trump, Americans can look to Obama and be proud that he became a prominent person in our American society. Republicans. Your presidential candidate is threatening to permanently defile the country in which your children live with his deplorable actions, and thereby defile your children. Look beyond your hatred and partisanship. Point your children in the direction of Barack Obama.