Maybe you've noticed all the great diaries about Eileen Bedell here lately? She's running for Congress in VA 7, the district currently misrepresented by Dave Brat.
Well, just got this from the Bedell campaign today:
"So, thanks for helping us get the word out, and for the donations. Some are quite small, others a bit bigger, but they all help get the total up and her name out there."
They are not talking about me here, they’re talking about Daily Kos.
Now, that's a candidate I want in Congress. Someone who appreciates us all, and realizes that it takes teamwork. I pretty much knew that already because she was an early supporter of
90for90, the voter advocacy movement started in honour of
Dr. Reid.
Voter rights is my passion and the only litmus test I have for candidates. Eileen Bedell passes with flying colors!
If you want to catch up, or learn more about her, here are some of the diaries about her:
As you can see, she has quite a following here, a lot of fans; constituents who want her elected. Please join us!
If you want to DONATE, well then, by all means, please proceed.