Look down. Look way down. Far below the dinosaur skeletons, miles of lava, and every bolgia of Hell, Steve Bannon is still digging. Still looking for ways to make this election worse.
According to Bannon, the news that President Obama's Trump-supporting half-brother Malik Obama is attending Wednesday's debate is "just an appetizer."
Doesn’t “appetizer” imply that something must first be appetizing? But hey, we’re all here, breathing in the smoke and brimstone. What do you have for us, Steve?
Trump will be bringing guests who "expose Bill and Hillary's sordid past," Bannon told CNN as he arrived in Las Vegas for the debate late Tuesday night.
When asked who comes up with the ideas to invite these guests, Bannon said, "We're a team."
Since Trump already paraded a string of Bill Clinton accusers at the last debate, which failed to drive Hillary from the stage, and the “surprise” of Benghazi mom Pat Smith is already blown, just what is making Bannon wiggle his sweaty toes inside his Crocs? Rumors are that this time the Trump campaign plans to reach deep into the right-hand pocket of black helicopter land.
Ah, yes. How droll. Or is that drool? Either way, this is certain to win over swing voters.
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The funny thing is, Bannon probably thinks that turning the debate into a low-rent sideshow will bring in voters. Because that’s exactly how he ran Breitbart. The lower he went, the more his numbers went up.
"What the media misses is the amount of anger that's out there. Trump didn't create that," Bannon said.
He suggested that a visit to a Trump rally would confirm this.
It’s not that Trump’s rallies reveal a secret level of anger. It’s that they incubate racism, bigotry, and pure hate.
Bannon disputed that on Tuesday night, saying "the media thinks this is an ethno-nationalist movement" akin to the National Front in France, but it's "much more of a populist movement."
A populist movement—of white people who think of themselves as Christians. The Trump campaign at every level has become so self-contained, so insular, that they can’t see that right behind the last “Hillary for Prison” sign is a whole nation. One that’s about to reject Trump, reject them, and show just how unpopular their “populism” really is.