This has not been a good or smooth patch for Dave Brat lately. He is a true blue Trump sycophant, and this has gotten harder. Trump disgust is palpable in Virginia. Then there was the ET “locker room talk” tape, and Brat’s bungled handling of the fallout. Then the Virginia Trump co-chair got canned for a snafu over a demonstration he set up in front of the RNC, and Brat found his loyalty being rewarded by being elevated to the open spot. If that’s a reward, I don’t wanna see what punishment looks like!
But it looks like a cool change may be on the horizon, and the change is named Eileen Bedell! A political insider has stated that there was a recent internal poll that showed her within a handful of points of Brat. There’s just one small problem with that internal poll. It was taken 5 weeks ago, before the “locker room talk” fiasco! And before The Brat cavalierly dismissed the fallout and doubled down on his support of Mein furor. Think the situation on the ground may have shifted under his feet? My personal feeling is that a poll taken today would find Eileen Bedell within the MOE.
While he may be late to the dance, The Bratmeister has had to reluctantly admit to Eileen Bedell’s existence. In an article yesterday in the local Chesterfield Observer, he accused her of smearing him as a reason he won’t debate her. In the article he said;
Brat, however, said he’s open to having a debate or candidate forum “if we can talk constructively about issues.”
“It’s one of the extreme ironies of politics – if you look at my opponent’s website, it’s full of totally ideological attacks against me, none of which are factual. There is no rational discussion of policy issues,” he said.
What a crock, and not of honey, think darker brown. I’ve been to Eileen Bedell’s site repeatedly, I’ve done multiple diaries on her and her cause, and that’s just flat out false. Nowhere in her home page, the issues section or the events section is there even a mention of Brat. It’s only when you get to the “News” section that there are headlines that link to Daily Kos articles, where we have great fun with The Brat’s infantile self. Apparently Professors who are economics experts don’t know what a “link” is, or the difference between a candidate statement and a personal opinion. What a goofus!
Brat has another potential issue at stake here. Eileen Bedell was born and raised in Virginia, she was educated in Virginia, opened her law practice and stayed in Virginia, raising her family. Brat was born in Michigan, he was educated elsewhere, and worked for the world bank and a firm in New York before accepting a teaching position at Randolph Macon College in Virginia about 20 years ago. She has roots to the soil and her neighbors that Brat can never hope to equal.
Come on gang, it’s time to send “The Brat” to bed with no supper. If you’d like to learn more about Eileen, click HERE. To contribute, you can go HERE. And to put in some sweat equity these last 19 days, you can go HERE. Come on, let’s make another Virginia Miracle here, we’re within reach!
Thanks as always for reading, and GO Blue!