Joe Walsh has had a short-storied career. A Tea Party rising star, he became a rep for Illinois with terrible ideas and then he was a deadbeat dad who became a right-wing radio talk show host. Since then he has been saying many of the same racist and sexist and homophobic kinds of things you expect from someone made out of more hot air than a zeppelin. Things like the tragic killings of police in Dallas were the fault of Black Lives Matter activism and President Obama, and trying to point out that he was saying stupid xenophobic and racist things even before Donald Trump got to them. Today, he went to his Twitter account and barfed out this gem.
Like most of the literate world, Jake Tapper saw this and said WTF?
To which Joe Walsh had this equally incomprehensible reply.
This is coming from a guy that has recently said that he thought millennials needed to go through a “boot camp” before being allowed to vote. Yes, what that means is also a mystery. Here’s live footage of Mr. Walsh working out his ideas at home.
So remember:
Get. Out. The. Vote.
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