On Thursday afternoon, the North Dakota police and National Guard moved in on the front lines of the Water Protectors’ new camp opposing the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline on ancestral ground that was taken in a violation of the Ft. Laramie Treaty of 1851.
Friday, Oct 28, 2016 · 12:12:58 AM +00:00 · navajo
Wow on this recent update from Dallas Goldtooth:
(My transcription of his Live update)
...and something you have to remember. First and foremost, there are no weapons on our side. None of our people have weapons or had weapons. The only weapons that you saw today were being held by North Dakota state law enforcement or other law enforcement who are there. That's the only weapons that were in sight. Only things that we had was our bodies and prayer, that's it. You have to definitely be mindful of that.
And the other thing is that, at a moment when the police were pushing us south, there was all these buffalo, these bison that came running to the east, just like a herd of bison came running over the hills, stampeding and everybody's like...wooo! War whoops, they were just like letting it out. 'Cause they just saw like a couple a hundred that were stampeding behind the police line. And then a couple of seconds later, you saw some water protectors on horseback who were basically corralling the buffalo to come over. And the police went on ATVs and the helicopters zoomed in low and like pushed the buffalo away and scared the buffalo back. Then what proceeded to happen was like a chase of these police on ATVs, were chasing our horseback riders and they were shooting, like concussion grenades, like shooting them at the horses. But I don't know what happened. I was told the horses got out.
Thursday, Sacred Ground Camp was overrun by 100+ police and shut down. Sacred Ground Camp was near the Labor-Day-weekend-DAPL-bull-dozed ancestral burial sites. Our other camps, miles away, are still functioning. Oceti Sakowin, Sacred Stone, Red Warrior and Rosebud Camps are still standing. Numerous media reporters were pepper sprayed. No reported number of arrested yet, will have that Friday.
Live feed from various sources is sketchy and breaks up often:
Unicorn Riot #noDAPL Frontline
Dallas Goldtooth’s Facebook page
Myron Dewey’s Facebook page, Myron is currently providing a live feed safely away from the frontline providing background on #noDAPL.
The police are jamming cellphones and most disturbingly are using sound guns, or LRADs, a sonic weapon, which is actually painful on the recipient. Earplugs don’t help.
I’ve currently received no feed from anyone for the last 30 minutes.
New armored vehicles are present, more troops. Frontline reports say the large group is surrounded. It is chaos.
You can try to keep informed at the above links, too.
BACKGROUND: My detailed news timeline on Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) vs. the water protectors can be read here if you need it.
You can help by calling the White House now (202-456-1111) and objecting to the militarized police action that is protecting the pipeline and not the 17 million people who depend on the Missouri River for their drinking water.
I will provide updates on this serious situation throughout the day.
Quick links:
Oct. 24 — Cops jail 141 in ND: Even more 'Water Protectors' step up to the frontline, citing 1851 Treaty
American Indians killed by cops at highest rate in the nation, but they're invisible in the media. by Meteor Blades
We are all stewards of the earth
Thursday, Oct 27, 2016 · 7:27:08 PM +00:00 · navajo
From Dallas’s last video:
Sorry, the connection is weak. I'm gonna try my best. Police line has moved up here. (Dallas points to an area near the armored vehicle line.) We have formed a new line right here. The treaty camp and frontline is right here.(points to tipis) There's a prayer ceremony happening right now. We our elders and leaders leading the prayer. [inaudible] And then we have right here immediately to the west, this is public property, and that's Dakota Access easement right there. There have been arrests made. It is 1:54 PM. I'm gonna stop recording here and I'll try to keep posting on texts.
Thursday, Oct 27, 2016 · 11:23:46 PM +00:00 · navajo
Name badge of DAPL security employee who acted on his own to rush the Oceti Sakowin Camp with an AR-15.
In a separate incident earlier today, a lone DAPL security employee rushed the Oceti Sakowin camp with a loaded AR-15. (The camp action above is the Sacred Ground camp, miles away.) He's currently in a standoff now with the BIA, he's in the water.
Friday, Oct 28, 2016 · 4:50:44 AM +00:00
Dallas Goldtooth’s final video of the day shows a guy down and wounded by some non-lethal weapon (concussion grenade?). Dallas films the frontline where Ponca Tribal Council Member, Casey Camp-Horinek is standing firm praying with a Chanupa, a sacred ceremonial pipe. She is tightly surrounded by supporters holding her with strength. Suddenly, the cops say to bypass her group and quickly advance past the frontline. They mass pepper spray dozens of people. Full video will post tomorrow in new diary. This treatment of human beings is shocking.