Trump just can’t help himself. Women just get under his skin. The latest victim of his ire is NBC’s Katy Tur… for not praising the size of his crowds.
Just yesterday:
During a rally in Miami, FL, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump complained that the media never show the “incredible group of people” at his rallies, before focusing his attacks specifically on NBC's Katy Tur. In reference to his large crowds, Trump repeatedly said, “There’s something happening, Katy,” before moving on to hyping his border wall. A Yahoo News correspondent tweeted that after Trump called out Tur, one of his supporters who was seated behind the press began “endlessly taunting” Tur.
Unfortunately it’s all too easy to picture one of Trump’s supporters “endlessly taunting” Tur after being egged on by his master.
This is not the first time Trump has singled out Ms.Tur, who covered his campaign for NBC news, as the target for his and his followers’ abuse.
Earlier this year, Trump launched a personal attack against her during a South Carolina rally. He was, apparently, upset about a handful of tweets she sent which noted the low attendance at that rally. “She’s back there. Little Katy. She’s back there,” Trump told the South Carolina crowd before describing her as a “third-rate reporter.” In a familiar pattern, Trump followed up that callout with a series of tweets aimed at Tur and reporter Sopan Deb.
As she reported in an essay she wrote for Marie Claire magazine, Tur had to seek out Secret Service protection to escort her out of that rally. Tur, who is paid by NBC to do exactly what she does, had previously made the “mistake” of tweeting about the effectiveness of the protesters at one of Trump’s Nuremberg-style rallies. She noted that the protesters in one instance prompted Trump to leave the stage, which apparently infuriated Trump to the point where he began to single her out for verbal abuse, prompting his salivating dog-thugs in the crowd to do likewise.
As Tur writes, Trump followed his now-familiar pattern with reporters, particularly female reporters.
In the hours that followed, Trump took his complaints public, trashing me and CBS News reporter Sopan Deb for the coverage.
“@KatyTurNBC & @DebSopan [sic] should be fired for dishonest reporting,” he tweeted. “@KatyTurNBC, 3rd rate reporter & @SopanDeb @CBS lied.”
He demanded I apologize.
I didn’t, so Trump decided to go further in [South Carolina], pointing his finger squarely at me and launching a personal attack as millions of Americans watched at home.
Tur recounts that the crowd began to boo and taunt her, “like a large animal, angry and unchained.” It was only after she was escorted out that the disturbing reality of the incident hit home.
Since Trump singled her out, Tur says that she’s been on the receiving end of threats and an endless stream of harassment on social media, another aspect of covering the Trump campaign that’s, by now, familiar to a number of female reporters, including Megyn Kelly, Julia Ioffe, and Michelle Fields.
As the Jezebel article notes, while Trump thrives on personally insulting everyone, he exhibits a peculiar sort of nastiness towards women:
One female reporter told the Post that covering Trump’s rallies feels “scary,” a word that Tur also used to describe the feeling of being singled out by the Republican candidate and the subsequent fallout.
Journalists are frankly becoming sick of being abused by this misogynist buffoon, and are probably eagerly awaiting next week’s election when he will revert to the status of an ordinary obnoxious lout. As of last night, and all throughout the day, #I’mWithTur was trending on Twitter.
More here from Hunter in last night’s Trump news dump.