Perhaps indicating just how awful Monday’s CO2 Coalition op-ed in the Wall Street Journal was, Climate Feedback already has a page up debunking it. And the response from scientists was unequivocal, earning the phony piece the absolute lowest rating for scientific credibility.
Wolfgang Cramer said that the points made in the piece “can be easily proven wrong by referral to standard textbook knowledge.” James Renwick described it as “full of half-truths, untruths, and red herrings.” But Victor Venema, who in addition to his work at University of Bonn also writes a blog with generally very long, detailed and technical posts, was by far the most concise: “This has nothing to do with science.”
Speaking of things that have nothing to do with science, Anthony Watts and side-kick Willis Eschenbach are going to AGU this year, provided they hustle enough funds from readers to pay their way. According to Anthony, they’ll be presenting something about water vapor based on a pair of posts from July, the first of which Sou at HotWhopper addressed quite comprehensively.
In addition to pretending to be scientists by presenting blog posts, Anthony mentioned they’ll also be “keeping tabs” on some of the real scientists in attendance, with Mann, Cook and Gleick called out by name.
Much like the antagonist in Denial, Watts can’t help but lash out at legitimate scientists that, unlike him, have (multiple) degrees and regularly publish peer-reviewed papers. And much like the Little Mermaid’s Ursula, the jealousy is palpable. But much like Ariel, he nevertheless longs to be part of that world.
As for the content of their presentation… with an audience of real scientists instead of WUWT’s deniers, Anthony’s side-kick Willis is probably going to, much like Ariel’s side-kick, Flounder.
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