The National Enquirer has been actively promoting trump for the past 2 years. I know, I know, nobody believes the National Enquirer, right? Actually, they do. And even if they don’t, imagine how many people walk down the checkout aisle, to see headlines like, “Hillary’s hitman tells all”, or, “Hillary to be indicted”, or, ”Hillary caught in sex ring”. Yes, we have seen the advent of widespread fake news, but the enquirer has ALWAYS been there. In fact, they were the fake news, before it was a “thing”.
Now, they are not attacking Hillary as much today, but they still run negative stories on her. But now something is changing. Today’s headline was, “trump already saving thousands of jobs from going to Mexico”, and, “trump already saving the country 4 billion dollars in wasteful government contracts”. This is what we are up against. This is not your grandmother’s enquirer. This is PROPAGANDA. And it is in EVERY single grocery store in the U.S. today. How many millions of Americans see them daily?? ALL OF THEM?? What can we do?? I AM ASKING!