Support the 3 special elections campaigning right now for the January 10 election date (see below for exact details & links).
Save the date for at least one of the following lobby days (see below for exact dates & links).
Apply for a seat on a local board or commission. Hundreds of seats to fill this year! LINK HERE
Links to their websites so you can review the candidates’ platforms and sign up to do virtual phone banking or donate.
A local source says, if Ryant Washington wins, we will be 20-20 in the state senate, with Ralph Northam being the tiebreaker and that can stop so much bad legislation and may help pass some good stuff! Ryant is a well-respected sheriff in his district, with good name recognition. He has a good chance to win, IF people show up to vote.
Ryant Washington – State Senate District 22 (Goochland, Fluvanna, Lynchburg, Appomattox)
Website –
Jennifer McClellan – State Senate District 9
Cheryl Turpin – House District 85 (near Virginia Beach Mt. Trashmore area)
Website – link at bottom of page to volunteer for canvassing or phone banking
Link to District MAPS
Don't ever worry about not being fully versed on the bills, because there are always leaders of the groups who can do the talking. We just need to show up in numbers too big to ignore. — Candy Graham of Women Matter
Most of these groups are still planning details but you can check in with them via their websites and contact person info – or sign up for their mailing list. Some already have registration up for the lobby day. Most will do training sessions the day of, before you go to lobby. (see more notes from Candy Graham at bottom of list)
Link to article from League of Women Voter meeting with direct links to many local chapters of organizations that support/protect democratic ideals:
Jan 4 - Public Hearings on the State Budget – The Commonwealth Institute – A well-respected public policy research organization that has provided persuasive research and reports that support legislation that advances policy on health care, education, mental health, budget and revenue.
The House of Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees of the Virginia General Assembly will hold regional public hearings on the Governor’s proposed amendments to the 2016-2018 biennial state budget, as follows:
(Hearings begins at 10:00 a.m.)
•Fairfax County- Northern VA Community College at Annandale, Ernst Center Theater
•Abingdon- Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center, Grand Hall
(Hearings begin at 12:00 p.m.)
•Newport News- Christopher Newport University, David Student Union, Ballroom
•Central Virginia- City of Richmond, General Assembly Building, House Room D
They need representation at each of the hearing locations.
Jan 16 - Virginia Center for Public Safety VACPS The coalition to prevent gun violence will hold their 25th annual Vigil at 2pm near the Bell Tower at the Capitol, then they ask attendees to go in to the GA building to lobby their legislators.
Jan 23 - OneVirginia2021 promotes bipartisan redistricting.
Jan 23 - HAV - Healthcare for All Virginians promotes Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act. University of Richmond Downtown for our annual advocacy day event. Please register here by January 16.
Jan 23 - Women's Equality Coalition breakfast at LG Northam's office (on the Capitol grounds) and a training session. Then we break into groups to visit legislators. Participating orgs include LWV-RMA (League of Women Voters-Richmond Metro Area), Progress VA (Equal Pay), New Virginia Majority (Voting Rights), PPVA (Planned Parenthood of VA), NARALVA (Pro-Choice VA) for reproductive rights, Women Matter for ratification of the ERA, VA NOW (National Organization for Women) and VA-LAN (Virginia Latina Action Network).
Jan 24/25 – Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Action Alliance – Reception on the 24th 4:30-6pm at their new offices (register on website) Jan 25 8:30am-12pm Legislative Advocacy Day at the Capitol.
Jan 25 - VICPP- Virginia Interfaith – Promotes healthcare, Medicaid expansion, and voting rights.
Jan 25 – NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Mental Health Advocacy Day
Feb 1 - LWV-VA (League of Women Voters), AAUW (American Association of University Women) and VA NOW - combined Lobby Day.
Feb 7 - Equality Virginia – Promotes LGBTQ rights.
Advice from Candy Graham of Women Matter: You don't have to worry about knowing every talking point for the issue. The first lobby day will be an opportunity to observe and learn. You can be completely comfortable in the knowledge that there will be materials prepared for you to deliver. We will be lobbying in small groups, mostly, but there is a more experienced leader assigned as spokesperson for the group. Nine times out of 10 the groups won't actually speak with the legislator, but maybe a legislative aide or the receptionist. Half the time we wind up introducing ourselves, say that we're asking for their support of/opposition to bill #... and leaving the literature if no one is available to speak with us. It's really our presence and numbers that impress them.