You can sign the petition at the above link, learn all about the TPP and even read the up-till-now secret text – all of it (links provided below). We need to stop this. It's a horrible rip-off. NAFTA on steroids, a corporate coup, the 1% cementing their strangle hold on the poor and working people of the world. They have concocted it in secret and they are ramming it down our throats. We will all regret it.
Sanders Vows To Kill TPP (h/t VL Baker)
Saying that TPP follows in the footsteps of failed trade agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA, and Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with China, Sanders promised to “fundamentally rewrite our trade policies to benefit working families, not just the CEOs of large, multinational corporations.”
He said that supporters of these agreements have sold them as creating jobs, but over and over again, they have been proven dead wrong.
President Bill Clinton sold NAFTA in 1993, saying it would create a million American jobs over a five-year period. Instead, NAFTA led to the loss of close to 700,000 jobs.
The conservative Cato Institute said that the trade deal with China would create far more export opportunities for America than the Chinese. Instead, the trade deal with China has led to the loss of 3.2 million jobs, and enormous, humongous and continuing trade deficits with that country.
Since 2001, nearly 60,000 manufacturing plants in this country have been shut down and we have lost over 4.7 million manufacturing jobs. If the workers find new jobs at all, they are usually lower-paying.
Sanders said at the press conference, “Trade is a good thing. But trade has got to be fair. And the TPP is anything but fair.”
Senders vowed to kill TPP if elected, saying, “As your president, not only will I make sure that the TPP does not get implemented, I will not send any trade deal to Congress that will make it easier for corporations to outsource American jobs overseas.”
Clinton Said She Opposes TPP, But Won’t Lobby To Stop It