Has Donald Trump reached peak excuse-making after his Iowa loss? It sure seems that way, but I wouldn’t want to underestimate Trump’s powers of convincing himself his losses are really wins.
“It wasn’t a loss, I came in second,” Trump said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “And I only came in second because of the fact that Cruz took a lot of votes away from Carson that should not have been taken away.”
“But my second-place finish, which was substantially second place – I mean, [Sen. Marco] Rubio wasn’t that close – and my second-place finish – which, again, I say was first place – but my second-place finish had more votes than anybody in the history of that whole thing’s history – that includes everybody – other than Cruz,” he added.
Also, too, the results could be overturned in some way to give him the win, and has he mentioned that Cruz played dirty? Not just with the Carson rumor but with his campaign’s “voter violation” mailer:
“Well, I think the voter violation form, which looked like it came from the IRS, I mean, it looked like it came from a government agency, was a fraud,” he said. “But I’m not thinking about that right now, I’m thinking only of New Hampshire and the people of New Hampshire."
CLEARLY Trump has nothing on his mind but New Hampshire. Iowa? What’s that? (Besides the place where all the things he was just dwelling on happened.)