That other “Democratic Party” is Republican Lite Incorporated, it’s owned by Wall Street and managed by K Street and doesn’t give a damn about Main Street. I’m not telling Hillary supporters that, 30 years of Triangulation is telling them that, 30 years of complicity in tax cuts for the rich is telling them that, 30 years of complicity in the destruction of civil liberties and the crushing of labor unions and the shipping of jobs overseas is telling them that.
But Hillary supporters only hear what they want to hear, they only see what they want to see, as democracy dies, as politicians of the Corporate Party poison it with corruption, as Hillary collects her speaker fee paychecks from Wall Street and they proudly proclaim I’m With Her.
Not so long ago, the message of the Democratic Party was inspiring, it came from the heart, it had meaning, it rang out across this country and voters responded to it, it won election after election, ensured Democratic control of the House of Representatives for 40 years, and brought America a Golden Age of Middle Class prosperity.
Now it sounds like a cheap tin bell.
But there’s a different bell ringing, loud and clear against the coming of the night. There’s a stirring anthem being sung by the Democratic Party of Bernie Sanders, it rang out across New Hampshire, Vermont, and Oklahoma, across Minnesota, Colorado and Maine, across Kansas and Nebraska and Michigan . . .
And it will ring out the rest of the way, from New York to California, it will ring out at the Democratic Convention and on into November.
For some bizarre reason, Hillary people are claiming this is over, they have begun preaching their sermons about “unity”.
Unity with what?
Unity with the DNC Machine of Debbie Wasserman Schultz? Unity with the SuperPac Machine of Hillary Rodham Clinton? Unity with the cheap tin bell ringers of the 2010 and 2014 midterm election disasters?
The Democratic establishment has learned nothing from those epic defeats, Hillary has learned nothing from those epic defeats, the people supporting them have learned nothing from those epic defeats.
They’re calling for unity, but that’s not what it is. It’s endless submission to the corporate candidates of the corrupt Democratic establishment, it’s endless appeasement of Wall Street bankers, it’s endless military interventions in the Middle East, it’s an endless ride on the Triangulation Tollway, we pay the toll and pay the toll and pay the toll and all we ever get for it is more toll booths further down the road.
“What are you going to do about it, vote for the evil Republicans?”
We’re going to vote for Bernie.
That’s what we’re going to do about it.
That’s what Arizona and Utah and Idaho voters are going to do about it, that’s what Alaska and Hawaii and Washington voters are going to do about it, that’s what Wisconsin and Wyoming and New York voters are going to do about it, that’s what California and the rest of the primary states are going to do about it, that’s what the Democratic Convention is going to do about it.
And come November, that’s what the American people are going to do about it.
Bernie Sanders for President