Recently I went to a porn site that I visit frequently for “research” and I somehow wound up on the page for a category that I don’t visit. The category is for large male sex organs. Imagine my surprise when I saw a Trump animated GIF. The GIF starts with a picture of Trump, then “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” drops from the top, followed by five stars appearing one by one from the bottom, and finally the GIF restarts. I clicked on the ad and it took me to the official Donald Trump website, Could the Trump campaign really be advertising on a porn site?
I must confess that I’ve visited this porn site many times over the years and no one with the smallest bit of respectability advertises there. The ads that run there are for other porn sites, penile enhancement, discount viagra and "Our MILFS want to have sex with you" web sites. There’s no way that this ad could have appeared there through some mistake made by a third party. Doing some cursory exploring, this ad appears only for that one category and no other. It is still appearing on the site as of this morning (4/1).
Thinking more on it, I realized that the Trump campaign may not be advertising on the porn site. Maybe the porn site owner is a Trump fan and decided to help him out by running the ad unasked. Or maybe an anti-Trump PAC is paying for the ad as a false flag operation. But would anyone put it past the Trump campaign to advertise on a porn site?
PS I’ve purposely blacked out information that would identify the website as I don’t anyone to accuse me of trying to drive traffic there. It’s one of the top 100 porn sites.