There are a great many things that scare me about Trump, and should definitely scare you. First of all he has no political experience whatever, and for some strange reason unfathomable to people with rational thought about prospective Presidents, that appeals to his followers as a prime reason why he should be considered qualified to be not only our President, but a foremost world leader. It is like telling a newly fledged butcher to operate on a heart patient while ordering Dr. DeBakey to stand down as he is scrubbing up.
The job of President of the United States is perhaps the premier example of a job in which eminent good judgment is critical to a world increasingly oriented toward chaos. There are so many things that could go disastrously awry with a President who lacks restraint, global understanding, persistence of peaceful policy objectives, and emotional stability. Witness George W. Bush’s outstanding ability to make a hash out of the middle east. Sadam Hussein was not a fine example of peaceful leadership but he pales in comparison with the mob of extremists running rampant in the wake of his demise. Trump has none of the qualities necessary to succeed at the global sway that a U.S. President must carry off with dignity and judgment. He is temperamentally unsuited to a very high degree as demonstrated by his conduct in his own campaign rallies.
Moreover, Trump is an idiot savant as a racist. He has already insulted so many segments of, not only the United States citizenry, but of the nations around the world who are our traditional friends, that this fact alone guarantees instability in his Presidency should he be so unfortunate (for us) to get there.
But the thing that scares me the most about Trump is a personality flaw so intractable that it is impossible to overcome in a person who accedes to great power. He is suffering from a grievous case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. That is a psychological defect that makes it impossible for the afflicted person to admit mistakes, seek appropriate advice in situations in which he is ignorant, to even admit ignorance, to show empathy for situations affecting others, to accept even the slightest criticism, and to back down from hasty and potentially catastrophic decisions. Other traits often exhibited by Trump include unbelievable grandiosity, an expectation that others will recognize his superiority, a lack of truthfulness, and the tendency to degrade others. Indeed, has examined Trump’s public statements and says that Trump is completely truthful only 1% of the time!
It is perhaps an historic, outstanding achievement to lie or dissemble the truth 99% of the time. It has to be very difficult to do. You would think that he might just accidentally tell the truth at least 5% or even 10% of the time. Not our Donald! It is the one thing in which he is absolutely consistent.
These traits of the narcissist have even caused eminent mental health professionals to violate the “Goldwater Rule” which declares it unethical for psychiatrists to comment on an individual’s mental state without examining him personally and having the patient’s consent to make such comments. Two very prominent professionals, Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist at Harvard and George Simon, a distinguished clinical psychologist, among several others, have deemed it in the public interest to warn the American electorate of Trump’s incapacity to be President.
This narcissism in Trump is the thing that scares the devil out of me. He should NEVER be allowed to even visit the oval office much less occupy it.