Bring it on, jackass:
With the nation on the verge of a presidential election between the first woman to lead a major party and an opponent accused of misogyny, Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump are digging in for a fight in which he is likely to attack her precisely because she is a woman.
Who could have seen this one coming? You know, from the guy who has blamed women for being sexually assaulted, is grossed out by the thought of women using the bathroom, who thinks breastfeeding a baby is disgusting, who wonders if questions about his misogyny are brought on by a woman’s menstrual cycle, along with the many, many times he’s disparaged women for being ugly, fat or stupid … the list goes on and on. (And all that is just his personal animus toward women. Let’s not forget his anti-choice, anti-Planned Parenthood, anti-equal pay policy positions.)
So, having established Trump’s bona fides as a woman-hating jackass, what’s his specific plan for going after Hillary Clinton? Apparently to question her “stamina” and “strength,” accuse her of “shouting,” not to mention being responsible for her husband’s infidelities (maybe he could get some good lines from Ivana on that one). The Trump camp’s thinking—using the term “thinking” very loosely here— is that:
… the woman’s card attack serves to undermine Mrs. Clinton by sowing doubts about her qualifications ...
“He’s going to have to deconstruct Hillary Clinton if he’s going to run against her,” said Roger J. Stone Jr., a longtime Trump confidant. “He can’t let her be the august secretary of state and former senator.”
Of course not. He must make her simply a woman. Please, go with that, Mr. Trump.
Donald is going to get schlonged in November.