In California’s 44th Congressional district, the contrast between the two leading candidates couldn’t be clearer. Nanette Barragan stands for clean air, clean water, and a better future for the working class families of her district. Isadore Hall cozies up to Big Oil, Big Tobacco, and the gambling industry. It’s a very competitive primary in a deep blue district. Help us send Nanette Barragan to Congress.
Nanette Barragán fights Big Oil. As mayor pro tem of Hermosa Beach, she stumped for “No On O” to keep oil exploration out of her city and off Los Angeles-area beaches, and won in a landslide. Barragán is the 12th child of Mexican immigrants, a fact that matters in a district that is 70 percent Latino. She’s passionate about bringing good jobs to her district.
By sharp contrast, her primary opponent fights for Big Oil. Last summer during a critical vote on a fracking bill, state legislator Isadore Hall III was sitting on the sidelines with his friends at Western States Petroleum Association as the vote count seemed to stall at 19 (it needed 21 for passage). He told them his voting strategy - he would abstain so as to not cast the deciding vote, but if two others voted for it he’d have to go along so as to not hurt his reputation with the greens. Fortunately for Hall’s entirely undeserved reputation, two others voted yes, so he cast vote no. 22. It’s only one vignette in a career.
Most troubling for a Democrat: Hall’s donors, especially gambling, tobacco, and oil. In the state Senate, Hall chairs the Governmental Organization committee in charge of regulating gambling and tobacco. Those industries are not allowed to give to his state Senate campaign — so, as exposed in CalMatters last fall, they’ve been giving to his Congressional campaign. Under his leadership, the GO committee has become well known for stalling, tabling, amending, and killing tobacco legislation opposed by his donors (e.g., SB 648, SB 575, SB 140).
The two oiliest Democrats in California — and Wright resigned.
He’s been the no. 2 recipient of oil money as a state Senator, per a 2014 report, with $80,600. Most California Democratic members of Congress refuse oil money or take in very little — Blue Dog Jim Costa is the exception with $43,500 in 2014-16 per Oil Change International research. Hall has taken in $29,300 from the energy sector in this race. He’d likely be California’s oiliest Democrat for a long time.
Oh, and the billboard blight people just dropped $42,875 for Hall.
The more people hear about Isadore Hall, the more they like Nanette Barragan.
The seat is open, as the incumbent Janice Hahn is retiring. Thanks to California’s top-two rule, the top two vote-getters in June will face each other again in November — so the primary will continue onward.
Climate Hawks Vote endorsed early, nearly a year before the primary in this solidly Democratic district. We’ve been joined by Democracy For America, US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), the Sierra Club and the League of Conservation Voters, Emily’s List, BOLD PAC and PODER PAC, many members of Congress, and local leaders. With a June 7 primary approaching, we’re beginning an aggressive outreach program to identify and turn out Barragan supporters in the district.
Chip in to help send a progressive Democrat to Congress.