If you’re an Independent or NPP (No Party Preference) voter in California, you can still vote in the Democratic Primary.
For this purpose, California issues what they call crossover ballots.
However, when Ashley Beck went to her poll worker training in Orange County, California, she was instructed to give provisional ballots to all NPP voters. The trainer did not mention crossover ballots at all (even though their use was explained in the official instruction book issued at the beginning of training).
The use of provisional ballots for NPP voters sounded suspect to Ms. Beck, so she asked the instructor to clarify and was told that yes, all NPP voters should be issued provisional ballots and only provisional ballots.
After class, Ms. Beck made some phone calls to election officials and learned that she had been instructed incorrectly, and that NPP voters should be issued crossover, not provisional, ballots.
Ms. Beck posted a video to Facebook about her experience, wondering aloud how widespread this misinformation is.