With pundits and pollsters asking whether in view of the Orlando attacks voters will be asking themselves which candidate will most effectively handle terrorism, it’s good to remind us that only one has a track record of actually doing something to fight terrorism.
However, Hillary is, after all a woman and we know how Donald Trump feels about women. Heather “Digby” Parton wonders whether her being a woman could work against her:
And secondly, a woman was likely running for president for the first time and despite everyone’s assumption that she is some kind of bloodthirsty Boudica (the Celtic war queen who slaughtered a Roman army), the fact is that there were some good reasons to worry that Americans would turn to the traditional party and the traditional (male) candidate if national security came front and center. It was entirely predictable that the Republicans would play “the man card” if they could find an opening. Salon
While we don’t know what else she did as Secretary of State addressing terrorism (likely a lot), we do know that she was closely involved with the attack that took out Osama binLaden.
The photo of Obama, Biden, and Clinton in the situation room with top members of the national security team is known worldwide.
I enlarged Hillary to make a point:
- She is the only one in the room sitting with stacks of information in front of her and on her lap, including the photo that had to be blurred out because it was top secret.
I expect that the powerful photo will be used in Hillary’s campaign ads. I think it would be effective to start with the full photo and zoom to this close-up of Hillary.
My advice to her on her anti-terrorism credentials: “Hill, you got them, use them.”