This on CNN just a few minutes ago, it seems that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is being delusional and thinks the whole brouhaha will blow over in her role with the DNC email scandal. Top Democrats are now going to President Obama and telling him to call her so she can step down fully as DNC chairwoman.
A Hillary Clinton source expects Wasserman Schultz to be gone by the end of the day, while another Democratic source said President Barack Obama or a proxy for him may need to get involved and call Wasserman Schultz because her posture is that she was appointed by the president.
Wasserman Schultz is holding on, believing "she can weather this," a source told CNN.
Democratic leaders are scrambling to keep the party united, but two officials familiar with the discussions said Wasserman Schultz was digging in and not eager to vacate her post until after the November elections.
"She seems oblivious to the volcano that will erupt if she walked into that [convention] hall," said a veteran Democratic operative, who added that as of Sunday morning, Wasserman Schultz believed the uproar would pass. "Forty percent of the people in that hall didn't like her to begin with. She was going to get booed before all this."
She needs to swallow her pride and step down for the good of the party, and to give Hillary Clinton’s campaign the best chance at a positive DNC convention this week.