Okay, I’ll say what real media pundits are loath to say about Trump’s weasel words when they try to confront his TV surrogates. Your candidate appeals to dumbbells.
Since I only watch interviews on MSNBC I can only judge how hard the interviewers press the surrogates to translate what is another Trump inspired word: Trumpspeak.
It doesn’t matter how ludicrous their attempts to translate Trump’s inflammatory and/or nutso utterances are. Intelligent people who aren’t engaged in big-time denial see right through them. It should go without saying that these aren’t the people Trump wants to appeal to.
Trump has come out and said that he loves the poorly educated. And he should. They are his primary supporters. What he has tried to do is pit them against the Ivory Tower elites, that is, anyone with an IQ over 100 whether or not they have a college degree.
I have little doubt that in unguarded moments with his closest confidants he has some choice words for the ignoramuses that populate his rallies like a lice infestation. If he does call them dumbbells you can be sure he isn’t talking about his gold plated weights. Likewise, I bet his advisors also talk about how best to attract the “low information voters,” who comprise a significant percentage of his supporters. They the gullible who fall prey to unsophisticated propaganda.
Since I only watch interviews on MSNBC I only know how hard their commentators are willing to go with the obfuscation of the surrogates. I’ve seen some press fairly hard to no avail. However this hardly matters because MSNBC is not a source of information for Trumpophiles. My hunch is that their primary source of information and so-called news is Fox and talk radio.
It’s likely that when Rachel and Lawrence and Chris and Chris and Joy and the rest of the crew get together their conversation is liberally (pun intended) laced with colorful words.
What’s the tipping point? I don’t think it would be someone who has remained out of the fray so far, like Condi Rice, saying they aren’t voting for him. I don’t even think Paul Ryan reversing his lukewarm endorsement would make a difference. The question is when enough Republicans who are well known and respected by Trumpophiles because they have supported him finally jump out of the burning clown car and disavow him.
Who do you think could persuade a fair number of Trump fans to abandon him?