If you thought we had won, I suggest Erased By False Victory: Obama Hasn’t Stopped DAPL.
Conversely, Bernie has offered an amendment that would force the Corps to do an Environmental Impact Assessment along the entire 1000+ mile length of the pipeline, a much stronger response than Obama's on Friday. Stein is facing charges for her civil disobedience protecting the water, Clinton has refused comment so far, and I don’t know if anyone has even bothered asking Trump.
But much more importantly (since as we are all seeing again, change happens from the bottom up!), this movement strengthens daily, around the country and the planet:
Also see this /r/NoDAPL post with many ways you can get involved.
This is like the point of a spear. Our job is to keep building the haft of the spear, the strong wooden weight behind the point, giving it the mass(es) it needs to pierce through any of the usual obstacles and open a path for the movement to flow into new areas. For those of us who won’t be in D.C., that means organizing and going to events & actions as linked above, and continuing to support the camps and tribe as they prepare for winter.
Bernie is the only non-Native speaker on Tuesday, because of course the attention should be mostly on the Native speakers, the leaders who have been carrying this movement for weeks and years (and decades and longer, there aren’t enough thank yous). But his participation in the spear-point will help get the whole event more non-Native attention. Then Tara Houske, North Dakota congressional candidate Chase Iron Eyes, and many others can take it from there. We’re making this a major topic of conversation, until the pipeline is stopped, and tribes and other climate justice activists are satisfied going forward.
The basic details from the event announcement:
Tuesday at 5 PM to call on President Obama to stop Dakota Access! We will gather on Pennsylvania Avenue, between Lafayette Square and the White House.
Speakers will include: Senator Bernie Sanders, Tara Houska with Honor the Earth, Chase Iron Eyes with Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, Jasilyn Charger, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal Youth and other native leaders from North Dakota.
This action is being planned by: 350.org, Sierra Club, Honor the Earth, Indigenous Environmental Network, CREDO Mobile, Bold Alliance and many more.
Sign up for this event here: bit.ly/2crUNPH.
Sign up to volunteer here: goo.gl/forms/GnIdjpCz1j8ALzLL2
A tremendous thank you to navajo, Greyhawk, e2247, Meteor Blades, and everyone else who has been raising awareness and working on this. #WaterIsLife