Read my most recent diary, and my first one written with psychoanalyst Dr. Howard Covitz, “Diplomats join psychotherapists — gandering the goose”
The “breaking news” on TV is about Trump on the Dr. Oz TV show, and his medical records (really a non-story), and about the Trump Foundation, but this should be the number one Trump news…
Is the mainstream media too embarrassed because Newsweek did a deep comprehensive investigation and came up with revelations about extraordinary entanglements between Trump and some unsavory, and dare it say, deplorable foreign leaders?
I’ll give Daily Kos a “pass” because it’s not intended to be a breaking news liberal website. Kos had a “front page” story about this early today, but unfortunately it’s moved down the page. I don’t know where it will end up on Huffington Post (their main stories move down the page too), but it currently is the main story (see right sidebar photo).
Rachel had it on last night as a major potential bombshell. This should have alerted other media that this was coming.
Daily Beast had it as number five in their sidebar.
Politico, Buzzfeed, and Vox didn’t even have it.
There’s no way to balance the news coverage of the Trump scandals with the Hillary “scandals.”
First the Trump scandals are so egregious they should have ended the media taking him seriously months ago. The hyped up Hillary scandals don’t even deserve the name. See what Colin Powell said about Benghazi — “a stupid which hunt.”
The media, if they are ever to be taken seriously, will have to admit that the sheer number of legitimate Trump scandals far outweigh the number of specious, made up, Hillary scandals.
A few days ago I posed the poll question as to whether readers thought CIA Director Brennan’s essentially calling Trump a liar would get the media coverage it deserved.
The majority were right. The news flew by like a hummingbird at a feeder and zoomed off just as quickly.
So here’s a far bigger story. Will the media make this an issue. Take the poll.
Finally being covered on national media…
will the cynics who took the poll finally be wrong?
Friday, Sep 16, 2016 · 4:21:55 PM +00:00 · HalBrown
Talk about the media being in-the-tank for Trump. After getting free publicity for his new hotel and as usual bragging, the endless stream of Generals fawning over Trump was given coverage while the TV stations waited for the big announcement about where Obama was born. ( see… ) Then in 20 seconds he gave his prepared earth shaking announcement with consisted of three parts, two of which were lies. “President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period (true). Now we all want to get back to making America strong and great again… Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy. (false) I finished it. I finished it. (false)
Friday, Sep 16, 2016 · 8:09:55 PM +00:00 · HalBrown
From what I can tell the media has finally had it with being manipulated by Trump what with this fiasco of a news conference… and I just heard Michelangelo Signorile (on progressive radio) say that they should be concentrating on this Newsweek story.