Yesterday Donald Trump made a visit to Bethel United Methodist Church in Michigan to talk about the good work they’ve been doing around the Flint lead poison water crisis. When his speech took a political turn and he began attacking Hillary Clinton, Pastor Faith Green Timmons walked on stage and asked him to get back on the subject.
The Donald did NOT like being interrupted and he ran to Fox News this morning to say Pastor Timmons was a "nervous mess" and essentially said he thought it was planned sabotage.
NPR reporter Scott Detrow was at the event and says Donald Trump "misstated key facts" about the visit:
"The audience was saying let him speak, let him speak," Trump told Fox and Friends.
That isn't true. In fact, several audience members began to heckle Trump, asking pointed questions about whether he racially discriminated against black tenants as a landlord.
And that's when Timmons — who Trump said Thursday had planned to ambush him — stepped in to defend Trump, saying the Republican nominee was "a guest of my church, and you will respect him."
"Thank you. Thank you, pastor," Trump responded.
The pointed questions for Trump continued as Trump wrapped up his remarks, though — and that's the moment when the press traveling with Trump was hastily escorted out of the room.
Although the questions being shouted from the crowd are difficult to make out in the video below, you can clearly see Pastor Timmons step out from the curtain to chastise audience members and ask them to be respectful. Never mind that though, Trump has already lied to his core audience at Fox News ... and who are you going to believe anyway? Donald Trump or your lying eyes?
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