Licensed Massachusetts therapist who claims to have raped and murdered under the influence of Illuminati mind-control was reported to the MA Board of licensure in 2013 for propagating delusional claims to vulnerable mental health consumers. The complaint was ignored.
This past May, The Satanic Temple’s Grey Faction sent observers to a bizarre conspiracist “Ritual Abuse” survivor’s conference held in Oakland, California. The conference organizer, Neil Brick, a licensed mental health counselor (Massachusetts), believes himself to have been a mind-controlled assassin for the Illuminati/Freemasons. At the conference he demanded a strict prohibition against attendees touching their faces, as such gestures could possibly “trigger” mind-control programming cues among the secretly CIA-manipulated. Grey Faction recorded video of his lecture during which he threatened that an old lady in the audience would be made to leave if caught “going for” her face again. She was asked to sit on her hands. Amongst a dizzying barrage of irrational, paranoid claims that were propagated by the conference’s presenters, a few were highlighted in Grey Faction’s subsequent report:
The Conspiracy, using “trauma-based mind-control” to completely subjugate their victims, begin programming victims at the earliest possible age. This means administering electric shocks to fetuses. Anybody with but the most rudimentary understanding of human cognitive development will realize that this makes absolutely no sense, and could serve no practical function.
Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), formerly known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), is, perhaps in all cases, intentionally induced as a means of mind-control. Various personalities serve different specific functions as programmed by The Conspiracy. What used to be called “alternate personalities” are now referred to as insiders, parts or “littles” when referring to child-like alters.
The Conspiracy seek out their victims of mind-control in churches, survivor groups, and psychiatric hospitals. They use subtle triggering “signals” to bring them back into their clutches. Presenters warned that The Conspiracy will send patients to “plant therapists” assigned by The Conspiracy themselves for the purpose of turning the patients away from their path towards escape from mind-control programming.
Ailments, such as insomnia, depression, physical pain, and seizures, can all be a result of mind-control programming against which medical intervention is ineffective, and even exercise may prove “triggering.” As far as medical advice goes, this would clearly be some of the worst imaginable. Ritual Abuse was presented throughout the conference as the first place to start when investigating any personal ailment, rather than a last option after all avenues of modern medicine are exhausted.
Therapy is not a “quest for truth”, and the reality of what may or may not have happened is “irrelevant.” This absurd claim seems to undermine everything therapy should do, which is -- at least partially -- providing mental health consumers with the cognitive tools to distinguish fantasy from reality.
Neil Brick, runs an organization known as S.M.A.R.T. (Stop Mind-control And Ritual abuse Today), where -- at one of their annual conferences -- an observer noted a vendor table selling a “metallic weave-lined baseball cap” meant to block out electromagnetic signals. S.M.A.R.T.’s 2011 conference featured a speaker by the name of David Shurter, who can be found on YouTube literally wearing tinfoil on his head, explaining how this helps to block certain secret government weaponry from invading his skull-space.
Grey Faction’s concern, obviously, is that the propagation of such paranoid, fantastical beliefs, by licensed mental health professionals, poses a threat to the well-being of vulnerable mental health consumers. Clearly, the confused, depressed, or already deluded deserve better from mental health counseling than the possibility of having their malaise contextualized as part of a larger secretive, preternatural plot against humanity. Needless suspicion, crippled skepticism, and unjustified fatalistic concerns, can hardly be conducive to better living. For this reason, Grey Faction initiated a petition to have Neil Brick’s licensure investigated, stating, in part, “We believe that Neil Brick’s propagation of delusional beliefs is a potential danger to mental health consumers under his care and poses a larger danger to the general mental health of the public who believe him to be a credible source for mental health-related information. Neil Brick’s purveyance of clearly implausible ideas, in his role as a licensed mental health care professional, serves to undermine the public trust in mental health care and the oversight boards tasked with upholding the standards listed above.”
While Grey Faction has not yet submitted this petition to the Massachusetts Mental Health oversight agency it’s intended for, we find that a similar complaint against Neil Brick was filed in 2013, whereupon the MA Department of Mental Health Professional Licensure remarkably gave Neil Brick a clean bill of mental health, entirely ignoring the evidence of his delusional state. The complaint, filed by a woman in Pennsylvania, compiles a list of Brick’s publicly stated fantasies about his oppression at the hands of the “Illuminati.” Brick, she pointed out, even claims that he himself committed rape and murder while in a mind-controlled state.
Faced with these allegations, the Allied Mental Health Division of Professional Licensure called upon one David M. Poles, LMHC, CRC, to evaluate Neil Brick’s state of mind. In a summary of Poles’s report -- in a letter to Neil Brick written by Board of Registration of Allied Mental Health Executive Director, Clinton Dick, dated January 21st, 2015 -- Neil Brick was informed:
Your Evaluation concluded that you are fit to practice. It found that you are of sound moral character, solid insight and a high degree of self-awareness. It is the Board's understanding that you completed two ethics courses in a timely fashion when asked by Mr. Poles. Your Evaluation also found that your symptoms of Dissociative Identity Disorder are in remission, that you are sober, and that you have psychosocial Supports in place should your past mental health history become an impediment to practice as a licensed mental health counselor. Mr. Poles spoke with your current Supervisor, Dr. Cook, who spoke positively of the quality of your work, your ability to work well with staff and clients, and of your intellect and professionalism. [emphasis added]
The statement above is more remarkable than it might seem at first glance. Amazingly, David M. Poles completely ignores Neil Brick’s claims surrounding his allegation that he suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder), and instead concludes that because he doesn’t currently exhibit symptoms of this disorder (whether or not he ever actually did is unknown), he must be mentally sound. David M. Poles apparently takes at face value Neil Brick’s claims regarding the CIA, Satanists, Illuminati, Freemasons, and whatever other nefarious sources Brick claims caused him to have fractured personalities. It’s similar to deeming a schizophrenic “cured” when he stops arguing politics with the neighbor dog in favor of discussing the weather.
Is this incompetence, or does the Allied Mental Health Board of Professional Licensure intentionally ignore harmful mental illness in licensed mental health professionals? Please sign our petition here:…
Rest assured that Grey Faction will be certain to let the Clinton Dick, David M. Poles, and the Allied Mental Health Division of Professional Licensure know that the issue isn’t one of whether or not Neil Brick has the dubious disorder of Multiple Personalities, but whether his conspiracist narrative is of sound mind. If not, does it pose a potential danger to mental health consumers?