Okay, once again we have a bombshell one day and a story that bumps that story off the news in favor of one far less significant. Trump’s breaking the Cuba embargo, a federal crime, has been replaced by his hysterical Tweeting overnight which is making Miss Universe — an actual person he maligned who comes across as wonderfully real and sympathetic — his newest villain.
He’s calling her disgusting and asks everyone to check out her sex tapes and past.
The Kurt Eichenwald and David Fahrenthold bombshell stories aren’t sexy….
This is pure idiocy!
Either that or it is a world class strategy on the level of the D-Day misdirection (see the Ghost Army) to keep the news distracted from investigating the the Kurt Eichenwald and David Fahrenthold bombshells.
There are few things I can think of that she might have done in her past that will turn the vast majority against her.
She could have made sex tapes — something he and has pal Howard Stern would approve of as would many male Trump fans.
She could have been a drug trafficker — look at the popularity of “Breaking Bad.”
She could have been a murderer… hell, she could have been a serial killer. Look at the popularity of “Dexter.”
I really can’t think of anything she could have done in her past that would work in Trump’s favor.
Maybe being a part of a female cannibal cult….. but then only if they ate adorable children.
Bottom line: The difficult for the average person to grasp Trump outrages will probably have less impact on voters starting to question their support of Trump than human interest stories where he attacks people like the Khans and Machado.
Addendum — about the 1973 movie
Friday, Sep 30, 2016 · 3:03:52 PM +00:00 · HalBrown
The Race to Smear Miss Universe Alicia Machado as a Bloodthirsty, Drug Lord-Loving Porn Star
Rush Limbaugh was quick to dub newfound Trump campaign foe Alicia Machado ‘porn star Miss Piggy’ because someone who looked like her once appeared in porn. It wasn’t her, though.
Alicia Machado, the former Miss Universe whom Donald Trump repeatedly attacked for her weight both in 1996 and this week, is a Venezuelan porn actress with a history of violence and palling around with shady characters running drug cartels. That’s how some of Trump’s closest media allies and his armada of alt-right internet trolls are trying to frame the beauty queen’s life on Wednesday, at least. from www.thedailybeast.com/…
Friday, Sep 30, 2016 · 3:26:04 PM +00:00
What about the murder accusations, etc., being leveled at Machado by Fox News and the alt-right? And does anybody really care if they are all true? Here’s what she said:
“He can say whatever he wants to say. I don’t care! You know, I have my past, of course. Everybody has a past, and I’m not a saint girl, but that is not the point now.”
“That moment in Venezuela was wrong, was another speculation about my life because I’m a really famous person in my country because I’m an actress there and in Mexico, too. And he can use whatever he wants to use. The point is, that happened 20 years ago.”
Read more: dailycaller.com/...
Friday, Sep 30, 2016 · 3:28:22 PM +00:00
According to Snopes:
CLAIM: Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado was a 'porn star.'
WHAT'S TRUE: Former Miss Universe Alicia Machado made an allegedly risqué appearance on a TV reality show and was pictured topless in Playboy magazine.
WHAT'S FALSE: Alicia Machado has not starred in a series of pornographic films.
Friday, Sep 30, 2016 · 3:36:51 PM +00:00
If Trump wants to have his minions post revealing photos of Alecia Machado, he is inviting us — even here on Daily Kos — to post the photos of Melania from her modeling days.
I won’t go there — sexy photos of both of them are easy enough to find on Google Images.
Friday, Sep 30, 2016 · 3:40:27 PM +00:00
Trump jumps into the gutter
The Republican nominee loses impulse control, and unleashes a violent Twitter rant against his Miss Universe nemesis.
09/30/16 09:40 AM EDT
While Hillary Clinton is riding high after the first presidential debate, Donald Trump is jumping down into the gutter.
In the wee hours of Friday morning, the impulse-control-deficient Republican nominee let loose a torrent of tweets, calling former Miss Universe winner Alicia Machado “disgusting” and accusing her of having a sex tape.
Read more: www.politico.com/...
Friday, Sep 30, 2016 · 5:31:47 PM +00:00
FROM www.salon.com/…
Truly, Trump has now achieved his own platonic ideal of a Trump tweetstorm. There’s the “crooked Hillary” reference. The insane conspiracy theory. And for the big flourish, there’s some slut shaming! Trump, who earlier this week was addressing a group of evangelical Christians and is now recommending people “check out sex tape,” appears to be referring to Machado’s 2005 appearance on a Spanish-language reality show called “La Granja” (“The Farm”). Though she was engaged to another man at the time, at one point cameras caught her cavorting — clothed and under the covers — with a fellow cast member. Sure, you could technically call it a “sex tape,” but it was tame enough for television. Consenting adults are allowed to have sex and it doesn’t make them “disgusting.”