Reality is too often odder than fiction — which is why the best fiction is grounded in reality.
The Scottish Sunday Herald has provided one of the most spot on descriptions of what we are going through … in a satirical trolling TV preview: “President Trump: The Inauguration”.
The TV preview, shooting around the world (deservedly), lays out that
- Trump presidency ‘is a huge interactive virtual reality project’ …
- story that begins in a nightmarish version of 2017 in which huge sections of the US electorate have somehow been duped into voting to make Donald Trupm president
- It sounds far-fetched, and it is, but as it goes on it becomes more and more chillingly plausible.
The ending of the review
It’s a flawed piece but a disturbing glimpse of the horrors we could stumble into, if we’re not careful.
An adage is that truth is stranger than fiction.
Another is that the difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to have a logic and make sense.
The insanity that we are living, the risks that we are facing, the bloodless foreign coup in America is a sad testament to the reality of that adage.
And that, there, is the one failing of the TV preview: the failure to lay out bluntly that no fiction writer would have gotten a big paycheck for writing a scenario with this level of insanity.
While we all need reasons to laugh amid tears and outrage, we cannot allow the laughter to take away from resolve to understanding the insanity/insanities that are descending upon us (US) and working on paths to fight for America/Americans’ future (each in our way(s)).
It is clear that Trump is going to be in the White House and the Republicans control the Senate due to the combination of Russian and Comey/FBI interference in the election. What is uncertain includes
- To what extent Trump & @TeamTrump are culpable or simply unwitting idiots & beneficiaries?
- Whether any honest ability to delve into this will survive past 12:01 January 20th?
- What will be possible if/when Trump/Team Trump culpability is identified?
There are a raft of serious challenges before us (the US): saving as many lives as possible in fighting for health care, seeking to prevent at least some of the disastrous @TeamTrump nominees from getting into office, making Americans aware of Trump/@TeamTrump outrages & damage, fighting for honest and fair elections, etc, etc, etc, …
But, as per the TV Preview, we should take time for laughs amid the pain and rage and determination …