Disgusting new details about the Russian operation to help Trump in the 2016 election are coming to light. Just yesterday, we learned that Russia recruited two Nigerians to pose as African Americans from Atlanta and smear Hillary in every vile way imaginable, sometimes to rap beats.
This is ugly underbelly stuff, in terms of the mechanics of their act of war. Blech — we know they had fake American Muslims too. And fake gay people. Even fake dog lovers, for an as yet unknown reason. The mind reels.
That’s why Rob Reiner’s and David Frum’s new group, the Committee to Investigate Russia is so important. Their recent Morgan Freeman video is a must-watch and MUST-SHARE item, in my opinion (its release terrified the Russians):
We need more videos like this, from other actual, trusted and beloved Americans. They could be our best weapon against the ongoing Trump-Russia torrent of propaganda.
What about you?
What do you think we should do to fight the Russian onslaught?
R.I.P. Dixie, slksfca’s beautiful dog. Thank you for sharing her with us, Silky. I imagine her giving my dear, departed Daisy a boop somewhere.
1. kathny
2. belinda ridgewood
3. rubyr
4. sidnora
5. joanbrooker
6. ericlewis0
1. nhox42
2. Common Sense Mainer
3. Bill in Portland Maine
4. radical simplicity
5. radical simplicity’s spousal unit
6. Knockbally
7. freedapeople
8. AnotherMassachusettsLiberal
1. tbirchard
2. navajo
3. Glen The Plumber
4. remembrance
5. TLO
6. jpmassar
7. Meteor Blades
8. kimoconnor
1. smileycreek
2. paradise50
3. jck