There are primarily two types of poor people in this country:
1. Those who are struggling because they have an entire power structure rigged against them
2. Those who have no money because they are, frankly, morons
We fight for those in the first category. The second category might as well be referred to as Trump supporters, and I simply don’t have any empathy for proudly ignorant, dirt poor, uneducated racists who are currently getting swindled right now by a supposed “billionaire.”
President Cheeto just tweeted that “The RNC is taking in far more $’s than the Dems, and much of it by my wonderful small donors.” He was referring to this article in the Washington Post—which I suppose he forgot that he called FAKE NEWS just a few days ago.
The article details how much money is pouring into the RNC from Trump’s racist donor base following "a string of fundraising appeals” made by Trump over his perceived persecution by the NFL, Puerto Rican families, and investigators digging into his family’s criminal history:
The influx of cash from Trump’s base is helping the GOP amass a major advantage as the parties prepare to battle for control of Congress in the 2018 elections, with the Republican National Committee pulling in nearly twice as much money overall as its Democratic counterpart this year.
The RNC’s success with small donors illustrates how the Republican Party, long a center of the political establishment, has managed to turn Trump’s anti-Washington message to its advantage.
These include people like Martha Adams, 70, a retired speech pathologist who donated $75 to let Trump know “we still care and that we’re still here.” Or Gwynne Abrams, an unemployed nanny who donated $78 because Trump is “under attack.” Both expressed reservations about giving to the RNC but said they hoped it would help Trump.
It is, but probably not in the way they are thinking:
U.S. President Donald Trump is using money donated to his re-election campaign and the Republican National Committee to pay for his lawyers in the probe of alleged Russian interference in the U.S. election, two people familiar with the matter told Reuters.
If you believe Trump, he is uber-wealthy and doesn’t need anybody’s help to pay his bills. So either he is lying, or gets some kind of kick out of poor dupes donating to help pay his legal fees. Either way, he mocks them and proves our point that they do indeed deserve our scorn. At least when we mock them, we don’t swindle them.
The U.S. Federal Election Commission does allow this, but it is unprecedented. While campaigns have spent money on ballot access disputes or compliance requirements, Donald Trump is the first president to use funds to pay lawyers to fight a criminal probe.
The RNC is swearing that they aren’t using the small donations to pay for Trump’s legal bills, but only donations from wealthy donors. Two problems here:
1) Trump’s lead lawyer, who has personally gotten 100K at least, told media outlets it’s “none of their business” where the money is coming from, and
2) Wealthy donations have pretty much dried up.
Republicans are confronting a growing revolt from their top donors, who are cutting off the party in protest over its inability to get anything done.
We are coming up on the first year of Trump’s awful presidency, and he has yet to have ONE legislative accomplishment. Wealthy donors don’t give a *&*& about phony distractions like the national anthem—they want tax reform or their Obamacare taxes repealed. They actually expect a return on investment, and they are super-pissed. Do you really think the RNC would use their money to bail out Trump?
His small-donor supporters will stand by him no matter what, so of course they won’t mind. I don’t either. I think it’s sad, but since they are determined to throw their money away, I’d rather it go to the pointless endeavor of defending Trump. Every dollar spent on his overpaid lawyer team is money that isn’t going to buy more weapons or bump stocks, or to violent NRA campaigns, or to buying bottles of Alex Jones diet pills to support his habit of harassing Sandy Hook victims.