It appears that Donna Brazile may have mixed up a 2015 with a 2016 document on which she rests her case in excerpts from her new book in which she alleges the DNC ‘rigged’ the primary in Hillary Rodham Clinton’s favor over Bernie Sanders. Various twitter threads, all less than a day old, refute the primary narrative being put forth in the media, and several of the most notable are contained herein, for your perusal and judgment.
The first, by a presumed attorney, self-described as a “commercial litigator”, a/k/a @WalktheTalkBern, lays out the case on twitter, & has called for Donna to respond, but has not heard from her. Check the first tweet (on twitter) for the whole thread; the majority of the most pertinent ones are here, and that same pattern repeats below:
A link goes to wikileaks there, if you want it, check the tweetstream; I won’t link to rus sites, as I’m Ukrainian ethnically, and won’t sully my own PC with rus treachery, even real data documents are hacked.
Also, another woman, Elizabeth Rogers, a/k/a @humorlessRants talks about HFA (Hillary for America) with receipts, and makes the case that Donna’s assumptions/calculations/suppositions are wrong.
i.e. State parties
Also, from one of HFA’s digital organizers:
Also, a television journalist with her own punditry show on weekend mornings on MSNBC, Joy Ann Reid, @JoyAnnReid, also discusses:
Then she goes on to explain mechanics of primaries & elections for a bit, which are not included.
Someone who responds to Joy also says that superdelegates “actually result in more rank & file folks getting to be delegates”.
I thought I would put together all of these tweet threads in the most influential progressive blog <dailyKos> in response to so many voices echoing Ms. Brazile.
So why did Ms. Brazile publish what she did? Different conjectures: She made a mistake/She was trying to sell books/She has an interest in pushing the party into Bernie’s ‘populous’ direction, vs.Hillary’s ‘establishment/mainstream’ direction, and some other theories.
Regardless, the result is division, distrust, disunity, right before a series of 2017 elections, & confirming Berners’ worst ideas about the motives of the revolutionary nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton. #uniteBlue & go work to #dumpTrump; there are elections in less than a week!
Friday, Nov 3, 2017 · 3:22:37 PM +00:00
UPDATE: The point of writing/compiling this was not to fan more of the flame wars, but to push back against a narrative that may not be true, and has already been weaponized against the Dem/bluewave by foe tRump and friends Warren and, this morning, Tad Devine in the upcoming elections this next week. The old saying “Dems fall in love, repubs fall in line” holds some truth (see hillbots & berniebros) and division is dispiriting to those love affairs and acts to counter enthusiasm & GOTV unity, in favor of division & apathy.
And H/T to Catte Nappe, Donna Brazile may agree?: