As a woman of color, I would like to celebrate this zero tolerance sweeping the country against sexual harassment, except for the fact that I know better. The first problem is this. Minority women who suffer a far greater incidence of sexual degradation in their employment will be overlooked because. . . well. . . , who would take a wanton, sex-crazed, Jezebel seriously for complaining about sexual harassment? The backdrop of sexual harassment is virtue. But the history of the United States was sexual slavery masquerading as “chattel” bondage. Female slaves were labeled “Jezebels” and thus blamed for their own sexual assault, having no legal recourse against non-consensual sex, rape, or maiming. The bodies of slaves were owned by their masters. Virginity did not exist for these women. The Southern clergy justified this setup as one that protected “ the purity of white womanhood” against men’s baser instincts.
In the period after slavery, the sacred virtue of white womanhood was encapsulated in the gruesome endeavor of lynching black males, on the false testimony of accusers . It was for presumably dishonoring them, whether through presumed sexual assault, or as in the 1955 case of 14 year old Emmett Till, winking at a white woman and uttering the words “hey babe”.
So why am I bringing up this gruesome history of Southern racist pathology? It is because all women campaigning against sexual harassment are not feminists. Some have different values and different long-term goals. If the only vulnerable males will be Democratic politicians and liberal judges because conservatives don’t much give a damned, then it’s time to get strategic. Define whether you really believe women will end up better served under a fascist, police state, where Democratic voters are permanently suppressed, a pedophile is honored as a Senator, and the nation itself is headed by a pussy-grabber. Or, when it comes to politics, do you want to rip apart the most vulnerable males at your disposal, who just happen to be the Democrats and liberals? In that case, the only men in government a black gold star widow would be left to deal with are the likes of Donald Trump who insulted her rather than offering condolences at her husband having been tortured to death, and Chief of Staff John Kelly, who told pathological lies in hopes of destroying the reputation of her only friend in Congress.