Has Roy Moore been financed and supported by leaders of white supremacist neo-Confederate groups, most notably the League of the South, that work to incite domestic terrorism and aim to force upon America a Handmaid’s Tale theocracy ?
The answer to all of those questions is yes.
If you have time to read just the first seven paragraphs of the excerpt, below, from my report (that’s 357 words, which should take you less than 3 minutes), you’ll get the drift.
All Alabama voters should know these facts, and there are women wearing “Handmaid’s Tale” outfits currently protesting against Roy Moore who should too.
There’s Alabama politics, then there’s Southern fringe politics. This is real fringe, literally Handmaid’s Tale stuff suffused with apologetics for the pre-Civil War pro-slavery South. And Roy’s the chosen political champion.
Please read. And promote if you’re so moved. Thanks.
“a considerable body of evidence indicates that [Roy] Moore is the ally of, and chosen political champion for, white supremacists who hope to one day trigger, through a second civil war if necessary, the secession of Southern states from the union and the establishment of a white male dominated Christian theocracy.
Moore’s political career has been heavily funded by leaders associated with the white supremacist, secessionist neo-Confederate League of the South (LoS), whose longtime board member, the late Jack Kershaw, provided legal representation for James Earl Ray, convicted of assassinating Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968.
And in 2009 and 2010, Roy Moore’s Foundation for Moral Law nonprofit hosted, as reported by CNN, two “Alabama Secession Day” events that featured League speakers and were organized by a local Selma, Alabama League of the South partisan devoted to preserving the memory of Nathan Bedford Forrest, the first leader of the Ku Klux Klan.
Longtime LoS board member Jack Kershaw also revered Forrest and even sculpted a 25-foot illuminated statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest that was installed on private property near interstate 65 in Nashville, Tennessee. Kershaw told media, concerning the statue, that “somebody needs to say a good word for slavery”.
The League of the South (link to Southern Poverty Law Center profile) advocates secession from the Union, using violence if necessary, by at least twelve Southern states and the establishment of a theocratic Christian ethno-state ruled by an “Anglo-Celtic” elite.
Roy Moore’s ties to the League of the South continue to this day — Moore currently endorses a 2017 theocratic, pro-secession government course sponsored by his top political donor, a former League of the South board member. That course is taught by a current LoS member who serves as a chaplain for the Maryland chapter of the group.
LoS president and co-founder Michael Hill accuses Jews of murdering Jesus and of belonging to a “Synagogue of Satan”, and has called for the creation of paramilitary death squads to target designated LoS enemies. Hill’s group now coordinates closely with Neo-Nazi groups including in organizing the violent summer 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, VA.
Speaking at the LoS national conference in 2016, Hill stated, “the League is, for all intents and purposes, the Southern nationalist movement.” He continued,
“There’s no use in organizing the South in search of a moderate way and half measures. The neo-Bolsheviks — and that’s what they are, they’re neo-Bolsheviks — intend to continue their campaign of cultural Marxist genocide against the South, and only a radical and uncompromising organization will be able to stem that tide and reverse it.”
Hill then issued a clarion call for what sounded very much like a scorched-earth war of ethnic cleansing:
“So, I’m asking all proud Southerners of our kith and kin, blood and soil nation to become Southern nationalists and join with us today. Come prepared to do battle for your survival. Together, we will be strong enough to throw our enemies into the sea and banish them forever from our sacred motherland. Hail Dixie, and hail victory.”
In addition to his League of the South ties, Roy Moore has been a featured speaker at least once, and possibly twice, at national gatherings of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC), whose history traces back to the white “citizens councils” formed in the 1960s to fight desegregation, and which has been accused of inspiring at least one recent, notorious act of racist domestic terrorism.
In 2001, the CofCC declared, “God is the author of racism. God is the One who divided mankind into different types. ... Mixing the races is rebelliousness against God.”
Roy Moore’s pattern of association with such groups cannot be easily discounted by his conservative evangelical supporters who might be tempted to otherwise dismiss sex abuse allegations against Moore because, even if true, such behavior would have been decades in the past and because they might feel Moore has since been morally rehabilitated and redeemed through his fervent embrace of Christian fundamentalism and its version of Jesus.
But Moore has, within the last decade and in some cases up to the present day, curried favor with white supremacists, secessionist neo-Confederates, and unabashed Christian fundamentalist would-be theocrats who are eager to incite civil war to topple the existing order and then impose their draconian theonomic version of “biblical law” upon America — a political vision which comes astonishingly close to the dystopia depicted in Margaret Atwood’s novel “The Handmaid’s Tale” that was vividly portrayed in a Hulu television series which premiered in early 2017.
Underscoring the severity of the theocratic visions cherished by Moore’s allies, in 2008 Roy Moore participated in a seminar, held by the now-defunct, Texas based Christian Reconstructionist group “Vision Forum”, and gave a speech at the event which was packaged as one of the lesson plans in a 2011 Vision Forum teaching curriculum, aimed at young adults, titled “Law & Government — An Introductory Course”.
One of the lessons in that curriculum, from Pennsylvania Christian Reconstructionist pastor William O. Einwechter, teaches that America began a downward spiral with the rise of the suffragette movement — which in 1920 gained for American women the right to vote. Einwechter’s lesson bluntly states that it is against God’s will and against scripture for women to hold public office.
In another lesson, which immediately precedes Roy Moore’s in the teaching series, Einwechter discusses the conditions under which incorrigibly rebellious children may be stoned to death, per God’s law as revealed in scripture.
Another 2011 Vision Forum course contributor was Christian Reconstructionist Joseph Morecraft who, among his various positions, has advocated limiting voting rights and holding public office to males from fundamentalist churches.
Morecraft was present at the 2003 trial in which a judicial ethics panel removed Roy Moore from his position as Alabama supreme court chief justice, for refusing to remove his 2.6 ton Ten Commandments monument from the lobby of the Alabama state judicial building.
Introducing Roy Moore to his audience, in Moore’s 2008 Vision Forum speech that was repackaged as a lesson plan in the 2011 curriculum, Vision Forum head Doug Phillips revealed that he was also present at Moore’s 2003 trial and had prayed with Moore the night before the trial.
Moore’s ties to the Christian Reconstructionist Vision Forum go back at least as far as 1999, when Moore gave a Vision Forum Presentation titled “The Law of the Land” that was marketed in DVD format in 2003, as part of a Vision Forum teaching series.
The Vision Forum ministry was shut down in 2013 following an admission, by its head Doug Phillips, who had promoted an extreme version of biblical patriarchy, of having an extramarital sexual relationship with a young woman associated with Phillips’ ministry.
The Christian Reconstructionism movement aspires, as part of its sweeping social and political agenda, to impose biblical patriarchy and biblical law (in a form of government known as theonomy) including capital punishment for a range of offenses such as adultery, female “unchastity” (intercourse before marriage), homosexuality, blasphemy, idolatry, witchcraft, and incorrigible child or teen rebellion against parental authority.
Government functions would be radically pared down to law enforcement, national defense, and perhaps construction and maintenance of roadways. All current social welfare functions of government would be principally taken up by churches.
Some Christian Reconstructionist leaders have called for the execution of both women who have abortions and the doctors who perform them, and some leaders in the movement have openly called for the extrajudicial assassination of abortion doctors.
One of those who espouses both positions is Matthew Trewhella, a convicted arsonist with militia movement ties who has been repeatedly investigated by the FBI for his antiabortion activities and is signatory to a statement calling the murder of abortion doctors “justifiable homicide”.
Until it was pointed out by Right Wing Watch, a project of the liberal advocacy group People For The American Way, Roy Moore’s senate campaign website featured an endorsement from Trewhella, who is in turn a chapter leader for the Maryland-based Christian Reconstructionist organization Institute on the Constitution (IOTC) that is currently endorsed by Roy Moore.
Michael Peroutka’s IOTC currently sells a book from Matthew Trewhella titled “The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates : A Proper Resistance to Tyranny and a Repudiation of Unlimited Obedience to Civil Government”.
In June 2015, Roy Moore spoke at an Montgomery, AL anti-abortion rally that was attended both by Trewhella and also John Brockhoeft, a convicted abortion clinic bomber associated with the domestic terrorist group The Army of God.
While less overtly militant or theocratic, the more overtly racist Council of Concerned Citizens has nonetheless been credited (see 1,2,3,4) with playing a key role inspiring the Summer 2015 assassination of nine African-American church prayer group members by white supremacist Dylann Roof, who hoped his act might trigger a race war.
Roof, who has espoused neo-Nazi sentiments, brought 88 hollow point bullets to the massacre, in an apparent symbolic evocation common among neo-Nazis that codes for “Heil Hitler” (“H” is the 8th letter in the alphabet.)
In his political manifesto, Roof credited material on the website of the Council of Conservative Citizens with having played a key role in shaping his views on race. In response, in an unrepentant official statement issued after Roof’s manifesto was picked up by media following his massacre, the Council of Conservative Citizens declared that,
"This is not surprising: The CofCC is one of perhaps three websites in the world that accurately and honestly report black-on-white violent crime, and in particular, the seemingly endless incidents involving black-on-white murder."
The CofCC website material that inspired Roof misleading depicted an epidemic of violent black-on-white crime and linked to a pseudo-scientific report, “The Color of Crime”, that is sponsored by the white nationalist activist Jared Taylor — who has held several CofCC leadership positions including serving as its spokesperson.
In June 2015, it came to light that Roy Moore spoke before the Council of Conservative Citizens in 1995 — “Roy Moore once addressed white supremacist group cited by Dylann Roof, website reports”, announced a story from the Al.com Alabama media outlet concerning a Buzzfeed.com scoop on Moore.
But Roy Moore may have also addressed the group fully a decade later, in 2005 when the Council of Conservative Citizens’ “Statement of Principles” stated that the CofCC opposed the “immigration of non-European and non-Western peoples”, maintained that “the American people and government should remain European in their composition and character”, and declared that, “We also oppose all efforts to mix the races of mankind… and to force the integration of the races.”
Other featured speakers at the 2005 Council of Concerned Citizens event that listed Moore as a speaker included the CofCC’s Jared Taylor, perhaps America’s leading propagandist for pseudo-academic justifications of racism, and James Edwards, who sits on the CofCC board of directors and hosts what is perhaps America’s most prominent white supremacist radio show, The Political Cesspool.
Closely aligned with the CofCC is the Alabama-based, neo-Confederate League of the South (LoS).
League of the South co-founder and president Michael Hill has called for the formation of paramilitary death squads to target LoS political opponents ; and in the past several years Hill’s LoS has begun collaborating with Neo-Nazi groups, a several year emergent pattern that included working with neo-Nazi elements of the “alt-Right” to organize the violent “Unite The Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia at which a neo-Nazi car ramming of multiple anti-racism protestors killed paralegal aid Heather Heyer.
Roy Moore’s ties to the League of the South include heavy financial sponsorship from its leadership, money which has played a significant role in driving Moore’s political career.
Over the past decade, Moore’s top funder has been Maryland lawyer, politician, and theocratic activist Michael Peroutka who, according to an October 6, 2017 report from TalkingPointsMemo, “has given Moore, his foundation and his [political] campaigns well over a half-million dollars over the past decade-plus”.
Peroutka’s overlapping affiliations have included a leadership role in the League of the South as well as participation in the theocratic Christian Reconstructionist movement (he was the 2004 presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, which was founded in 1991 to advance the agenda of the Christian Reconstuctionist movement.)
Michael Peroutka’s Institute on the Constitution currently sells at least four works by Christian Reconstructionism’s founder R.J. Rushdoony and as late as September 2015 was selling Rushdoony’s tome the Institutes of Biblical Law, the most seminal book within Rushdoony’s movement and which mapped out how biblical law was to be applied in all spheres of society.
Peroutka has been a featured speaker at League of the South annual conferences at least five times — in 2004, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2013.”